The Southland Charity Hospital will provide the people of Southland & Otago with the healthcare they deserve.
The Southland Charity Hospital was established following Blair Vining’s highly publicised battle with terminal cancer. After his diagnosis in 2018, Blair was told he had weeks to live, but chronic under-resourcing of the health service in Southland meant he was unlikely to see a specialist before cancer took his life. Blair decided that this health inequity needed to change. As a result, one of his greatest legacies was the formation of the Southland Charity Hospital. The hospital project has been underway for three years. Construction is currently underway and is expected to be completed by late 2022.
The Southland Charity Hospital does not receive any government funding. The project has been entirely funded by the community, with people donating time, materials, skills and money. Once completed the hospital will service patients throughout Otago and Southland.
The Southland Charity Hospital was established to fill a gap in our healthcare system and provide the people of Otago and Southland with the healthcare they deserve. The hospital is funded by the community, for the community.