Western Community Centre

Western Community Centre

Funding will help support the work we do in the community we love!


Since 1979 the Western Community Centre has been providing a wide range of support services, programmes, activities and events that contribute to the positive social wellbeing of people in the Hamilton West area. Based from its centre in Nawton it takes a lead role in facilitating and supporting a large number of community development projects and works hard to provide opportunities to increase social connection and fulfil its Vision of Thriving, vibrant, healthy and self-reliant communities.

More about us

Our Vision

Thriving, Vibrant, Healthy and self Reliant communities.

Our Mission

To create opportunities and provide support that enhances the holistic well-being of the people in our community.

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Latest update

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Fruit Trees in Homes  4 November 2023

2023 Update!

The Fruit Trees in Homes project took root back in 2012, and since its inception, 3,362 fruit trees have now been planted in 617 households and 475 fruit trees have found a home in our public spaces.

More than a decade has passed since the first fruit tree was planted, and it's evident that this project is yielding significant positive impacts.

Every day, we witness the impact of this initiative, as many of you who have received these fruit trees generously contribute by dropping off surplus produce, allowing us to extend the benefits to even more individuals in our community.

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Latest donations

Daniel on 22 Jun 2024
Daniel on 22 May 2024
Daniel on 22 Apr 2024
Daniel on 22 Mar 2024
Western Community Centre

Thank you Daniel, you have been a great support for our work!

Western Community Centre
Private Donor
Private Donor on 20 Mar 2024
Western Community Centre

Thank you very much for your kind donation! We really appreciate the support to help us do what we do. Neil

Western Community Centre

Who's involved?

Western Community Centre's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Western Community Centre (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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