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Red Cross Haiti Earthquake Emergency Response

$17,531 donated
Given by 246 generous donors in around 6 months

An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale struck Haiti early 13 January 2010 (NZ time), inflicting severe devastation in the capital


New Zealand Red Cross has launched an emergency appeal to support those affected by the earthquake. The Haitian Earthquake Appeal will raise money in response to a request from the International Red Cross for funding support. New Zealand Red Cross has released $50,000 from its disaster response emergency fund and we hope you can help too.

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Our programmes include delivering Meals on Wheels to people at home, providing emergency response and welfare support in times of emergency and disaster, helping to settle former refugees, and much more.

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Posted by: Givealittle Admin

The worldfs largest humanitarian network, the International Red Cross, continues to react swiftly to provide effective relief and recovery response operations in the earthquake devastated country of Haiti. The needs of the people are immense, with up to three million people expected to be effected by the disaster. The International Red Cross has called for over US one hundred million dollars to assist in their relief and recovery operations. This figure is based on assisting 300,000 people (60,000 families) for three years. The appeal total is expected to be revised once further information becomes available. New Zealand Red Crossf Haiti Appeal is currently over $200,000 and continues to steadily rise as people give generously to assist those most in need. Leaders of the International Red Cross, President Tadateru Kono? and Secretary General Bekele Geleta are expected to arrive in Port-au-Prince today (18 January Haiti time) to lead what is shaping up as one of Red Crossf largest and most complex operations in recent memory. Both are promising to ensure that long term recovery plans will be at the heart of all Red Cross action in the country. In recent days over 400 International Red Cross specialist staff and equipment have arrived in Haiti to work alongside the Haitian Red Cross and their 1000 volunteers who have been working around-the-clock to help those in need. While logistical challenges continue to hamper the arrival and distribution of aid, the International Red Cross are prioritising medical aid. So far more than 77 tons of Red Cross aid has landed in Haiti or the Dominican Republic including a health care emergency response unit (ERU), a field hospital, an IT and Telecommunications ERU unit and a water and sanitation ERU. Red Cross staff and volunteers have already distributed over 200,000 litres of water and have built latrines for 1000 people. Over the next day they will also begin to distribute: Medical kits to hospitals that can treat 2000 patients for a month * 10,000 buckets * 20,000 jerry cans * 45,000 blankets * 20,000 mosquito nets * 20,000 tarpaulins * 8,970 kitchen set for families * 4,500 hygiene parcels that will support five people for one month The International Red Cross has established a special website ""http://www.icrc.org/familylinks"">www.icrc.org/familylinks) to help people search for their loved ones. More than 21,600 people have registered so far. Over 1,500 people have used the site to report they are safe and well. Over the coming days and weeks, Red Cross restoring family links specialists will work with survivors, many now gathering in make shift camps around Port-au-Prince, to help make family connections. The security situation and effective disaster response co-ordination in a country that has had its civil infrastructure destroyed remains challenging. The International Red Cross is working closely with the Haitian Red Cross to ensure effective and strong community links through their Red Cross volunteers. Close cooperation with other humanitarian partners such as the United Nations is helping to ensure that those most in need are able to receive assistance as soon as possible. The city of Port-au-Prince has been edividedf into areas that designated agencies will take responsibility for aid distribution within. The very best way for New Zealanders to help those affected by the earthquake is by donating money that can be used to purchase goods and fund services to meet identified needs. New Zealand Red Cross guarantees that 100 percent of all donations we receive will go directly to the appeal. In the event that more money than can reasonably and efficiently spent is raised during the appeal, any surplus funds will be used by New Zealand Red Cross to prepare and respond to other humanitarian disasters or emergencies either internationally or here in New Zealand.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Apr 2010
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Apr 2010
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Private Donor on 17 Mar 2010    Colgate-Palmolive Haiti Earthquake Relief
Private Donor
Private Donor on 17 Mar 2010    Colgate-Palmolive Haiti Earthquake Relief
Portobello Microbrewery
Portobello Microbrewery on 05 Mar 2010
from gold coin donations during our last beer night, Hamilton.

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This campaign started on 19 Jan 2010 and ended on 19 Jul 2010.