Donate to MusicHelps to help the charity provide vital support to kiwi music people affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
Coronavirus COVID-19 continues to have devastating effect on the music industry and kiwi music people.
Tours have been cancelled, international showcases, years in the planning, called off.
Music events have been indefinitely postponed or abandoned entirely.
At the heart of this are kiwi music people who rely on this activity completely for their livelihood. They and their dependents are facing levels of distress and hardship never seen before.
We need your support to provide hope, advice and practical support to the music people most affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
We need funds for counselling practitioners to help those affected to navigate the extreme emotional and psychological impact of this crisis.
We need funds to be able to provide emergency financial assistance to music people experiencing extreme hardship.
Will you help us keep the music alive?
MusicHelps supports projects that use the power of music to help and heal New Zealanders in need. MusicHelps also provides vital support and hardship assistance to New Zealand's music people and their families in times of crisis.
Funds raised will be used to provide emergency financial assistance packages and professional counselling to kiwi music people.
The Covid-19 crisis continues for music workers 8 April 2021
With international touring still on hiatus and local music still reeling from the lockdowns of last year and this, we have taken the decision to extend our campaign to raise funds for those whose livelihoods have been shattered in the music community.
Demand for the counselling services MusicHelps provides to music workers is significantly up on the same period in previous years, and the demand for our financial and wellbeing services continues.
With fundraising activity such as our involvement in the Outerfields festival now postponed until December of this year, the end is not yet completely in sight.
Please support our campaign if you can to help us provide vital assistance to the people that make the music experiences we all treasure possible. All of your donation will be applied to the relief services that MusicHelps provides.