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$95 donated
Given by 5 generous donors in around 4 months

Donate or Gift a Native Plant.


DONATE A NATIVE PLANT: For $10 a plant, your donation will support a native plant through its propagation from a seed, to a mature plant ready to be planted out. All native plants we grow are locally eco-sourced. Learn more about our community nursery and why growing natives is so important. Planting native trees means we are helping to combat the effects of climate change and supporting Auckland Council's Urban Ngahere (Forest) strategy. Visit our website

For businesses who would like to become more involved and donate larger numbers of plants (a minimum of 100 plants), plants can come with an enviro-friendly plant label with your company name and logo. Lead the way by donating either a few or many native trees.

Donating to WRCT is one of the most effective ways of supporting our work and goes directly to helping to grow native plants for the Whau River Catchment Bush Restoration Projects, restore native bush and help local people to make a difference as part of our GREENING THE WHAU Initiative. Visit to find out more.

GIFT A TREE: If you're looking for a sustainable present, why not gift a tree for $40 that will be planted in a local reserve within the Whau River Catchment. The person receiving your gift will be sent an email with your personalised message and a Gift Certificate. Their Gift Certificate will also be sent to you so that you can print it if you wish.

About us

The Whau River Catchment Trust and it's affiliated volunteer group, Friends of the Whau, has been operating for 23 years in total and have gained the respect and support of the community, Auckland Council and other environmental groups.

Use of funds

Growing and Planting native trees means we are helping to combat the effects of climate change.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and create a better habitat for our native birds and other vitally important native species.

Read more

Latest donations

Kyla on 22 Nov 2024
The Whau River Catchment Trust

Kia ora Thanks Kyla for your donation it will be put to good use raising trees for one of our restoration sites in the Whau River catchment.

The Whau River Catchment Trust
Aadil on 18 Oct 2024
Great work WRCT
The Whau River Catchment Trust

Kia ora thanks for your donation.

The Whau River Catchment Trust
'Atu on 18 Oct 2024
The Whau River Catchment Trust

Kia ora thanks for your donation.

The Whau River Catchment Trust
Xinxin on 18 Oct 2024
The Whau River Catchment Trust

Kia ora thanks for your donation.

The Whau River Catchment Trust
Whau on 18 Oct 2024
The Whau River Catchment Trust

A great way to kick start our campaign thanks.

The Whau River Catchment Trust

Who's involved?

The Whau River Catchment Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Whau River Catchment Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Oct 2024 and ends on 15 Oct 2025.