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$13,783 donated
Given by 67 generous donors in around 11 months

Help us build an eco friendly and earthquake resistant Earth Bag Education and Training centre in rural Nepal so that we can train teachers


Rural Nepali teachers are generally poorly trained or have had no training at all. Our new Education and Training centre will provide quality hands on training which can then be put into place in classrooms. By training teachers, we can change entire communities for generations to come. This project is proudly supported by New Zealand company Court Construction Ltd.

About us

We are a New Zealand registered charity providing improved early years education and community resilience in rural Nepal.

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Latest donations

Lisa on 02 Apr 2015
Hope everything's going well! The locals will be loving having you there. Thinking of you all & loving what you're doing!!
Alastair, Renske, Ella, Tessa and Mieke
Alastair, Renske, Ella, Tessa and Mieke on 22 Mar 2015
Hi Cam and Tracey, Think that what you and the team is doing is amazing, very happy to donate to such a great effort. All the best with the build. Cheers from us all
Michael Mann
Michael Mann on 20 Mar 2015
All the best Cam Tracey and Nick - Michael & Sally
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Mar 2015
Anna, Sam and Thea
Anna, Sam and Thea on 18 Mar 2015
All the best to Troy and colleagues for investing your time in such a great project. We hope the build goes well and it is a great learning experience for such a great cause.

Who's involved?

Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, FIRST STEPS HIMALAYA (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 May 2014 and ended on 9 Apr 2015.