The Sita Project

$4,857 of $25,000 goal
Given by 46 generous donors in one year

Sita's family need a home after her husband was left paralysed in the Nepal 2015 earthquake.


Sita's family need a home! Her husband was crushed and paralysed when their house in rural Sindhupalachok collapsed in the catastrophic 2015 Nepal earthquake. They have an 18 month old son who was born soon after. They now live in a tiny temporary tin shelter. There is only an outside tap and no toilet or showering facilities. Confined to a wheelchair, Ram Krishna urgently needs improved health and sanitation facilities to avoid risking ill health through infections.

25 year old Sita is not only Ram Krishna's main caregiver but also works full time as an early childhood teacher. All her wages are spent on food for the family and medicine for Ram Krishna. They have no hope of ever being able to rebuild their home. Their own home with a bathroom would afford Ram Krishna greater independence, privacy and dignity.

Help us raise NZ$25,000 to build a modest house and provide Sita and Ram Krishna with hope and purpose for the future.

FIRST STEPS HIMALAYA's involvement (page creator)

Sita has worked as an early childhood teacher at the First Steps Himalaya education projects in rural Nepal for 6 years.

About us

We are a New Zealand registered charity providing improved early years education and community resilience in rural Nepal.

Use of funds

Funds will be used to purchase land and build Sita and Ramkrishna a modest home with 1 or 2 bedrooms, a cooking space and a wheelchair friendly bathroom. Any surplus funds will go towards the ongoing costs of providing Ram Krishna with healthcare and medicine. The build will be supervised and project managed by First Steps Himalaya. (

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Latest donations

e wernli
e wernli on 07 Dec 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Oct 2017
shilpa on 15 Oct 2017
get well,God bless U guys
Harcourts Twiss-Keir Realty Limited
Harcourts Twiss-Keir Realty Limited on 10 Oct 2017
Thanks Katey for sharing your experiences with our team.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Sep 2017
great talk to Bishopdale Burnside Rotary

Who's involved?

Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, FIRST STEPS HIMALAYA (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 Jun 2017 and ended on 9 Jun 2018.