Joyce's Shape Up for Sands Manukau

$490 donated
Given by 12 generous donors in 8 weeks

I would like to 'give a little' back to Sands Manukau and I would like your help. My challenge for the next 8 weeks is to 'shape up'. I pla


...just make a donation. I will have my final weigh in on Sunday 14th of September. My dear friend Lisa will be checking on food diaries and weigh in’s. This is for such a good cause so close to Mathew’s and my heart.

So who is in for helping me on my journey?

About us

Providing parents with a care bag containing various memory making materials such as special memory books, inkless hand/footprint kits, certificates of life, candles, a memory box and teddy bears.

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Latest donations

Mike & Margaret Kay
Mike & Margaret Kay on 05 Sep 2014
Keep up the good work, see you soon
Murti family
Murti family on 03 Sep 2014
All the best Joyce. Love from the Murtis Wellington
Mum & Dad
Mum & Dad on 03 Sep 2014
Keep going!! You can do it!
Wendy Slatter
Wendy Slatter on 03 Sep 2014
Keep working towards Rotorua!!!
Sara on 25 Aug 2014

Who's involved?

Baby Loss NZ's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Baby Loss NZ (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 12 Jul 2014 and ended on 7 Sep 2014.