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Manawa Ora: Navigators 2019

$420 of $15,000 goal
Given by 9 generous donors in 7 weeks

Manawa Ora is a theatre production created by rangatahi from South Auckland. They need your help to showcase their talents.


Ngā Rangatahi Toa is a youth development organisation that inspires young people to re-engage with opportunities in education and employment. This is the seventh year the group has staged Manawa Ora, an electrifying series of performances at Auckland’s Basement Theatre that showcases the skills and energy of more than 20 rangatahi.

The Manawa Ora performances are the culmination of a year’s work behind the scenes, so there’s a lot riding on them. Staging a production like this isn’t cheap: even the revenue from sellout shows won’t be enough to cover the costs of lighting, staging, transport, and paying for the time of the mentors who help rangatahi devise and shape the show.

Working closely with communities in South Auckland, Ngā Rangatahi Toa walks with rangatahi in a journey to explore higher learning and work placement opportunities. The charitable organisation is founded on the belief that every child in Aotearoa has the right to opportunities that fulfill their potential, no matter what their postcode.

The success of Ngā Rangatahi Toa’s work has been proven many times over since it was founded in 2009. The organisation works with rangatahi in a series of wānanga throughout the year, and Manawa Ora is the culmination of that work, the big reveal of their talents to a wider audience. It’s a night when the rangatahi get to stand in the glare of the stage lights and show audiences how they can shine.

We have a goal of raising $15,000 to ensure this year’s Manawa Ora performances can go ahead as planned. Opening night is October 8, so we are getting close now! Your support would be hugely helpful in allowing these rangatahi their moment in the spotlight – a moment that we hope will lead to many more.

About us

Ngā Rangatahi Toa is a wāhine Māori-led, not-for-profit that engages with vulnerable Māori and Pasifika rangatahi from low socio-economic areas of Tāmaki Makaurau. Our mission revolves around building protective factors, resilience, and fostering well-being practices within these communities.

We guide these rangatahi through a portfolio of projects that combine creative exploration with youth development strategies, housed within the indigenous framework of Te Ao Māori (The world of Māori).

Our strength based and solution focused programs, scaffolds rangatahi through a process of rangatiratanga (leadership empowerment), kotahitanga (connected - togetherness) and mauri (life force - wellbeing) to support our rangatahi to become thriving, active members of their whānau and their communities.

Use of funds

The money will primarily be spent on making Manawa Ora happen! As above, this is a much longer journey than just the production - any funds remaining from this appeal will be used to strengthen our other activities over the year.

Latest update

We've set a better fundraising target!   25 September 2019

Hi everyone - we took a look at this and decided that it was better to focus solely on the immediate needs of the Manawa Ora production, rather than our previous goal of also raising funds for the work we will do with rangatahi after the production ends. Hope that makes it an easier proposition for everyone to understand. Ngā mihi.

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Latest donations

Bec on 07 Oct 2019
Richie & Ella-Rose
Richie & Ella-Rose on 03 Oct 2019
Dallas on 27 Sep 2019
Emily on 26 Sep 2019
Ruby on 26 Sep 2019

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Nga Rangatahi Toa's avatar
Created by Ngā Rangatahi Toa, paying to a verified bank account of Nga Rangatahi Toa (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 Aug 2019 and ended on 8 Oct 2019.