NZ we must ACT NOW! Our Goal remains $500,000 - Every donation counts.
We all need to Act NOW to achieve the goal of raising $500,000.
In order for the tender process to go unconditional last week, a small number of committed individuals agreed to underwrite the offer pending resolution of grant applications to funding entities. We are very grateful to them, however we also need to reimburse them hence we need to continue toward our $500,000 goal.
New Chum (Wainuiototo) - We all need to Act NOW to achieve the first phase of the tender process to facilitate the purchase of this iconic piece of land and bring it into public ownership. 30.6 ha of headland at the north end of the beach is for sale by tender, with the deadline 23 Nov 2021. Our tender application has been submitted, and our funding drive continues.
Whilst we do not have the information as to the tender price, we are committing to raise $500,000. Other funding sources are also being explored.
New Chum is still under threat of development!
Moneys raised will contribute to the tender process as indicated above on the Nth headland of New Chum Beach (Wainuiototo). Failing this process, donations will support the ongoing campaign for the greater preservation of New Chum Beach & its landscape.
If you wish to donate >$5000+ please email us at to discuss further.
The Beach is a "Jewel in the Crown" of our New Zealand heritage. We love it, we respect it, lets preserve it forever.
We are the voice of the past, the present & the future, dedicated to the preservation of New Chum beach/Wainuiototo for ever.
Moneys raised contribute to the tender process as indicated above on the Nth headland of New Chum Beach (Wainuiototo). Failing this process, donations will support the ongoing campaign for the greater preservation of New Chum Beach & its landscape.
If you wish to donate >$5000+ please email us at to discuss further.
New Chum Beach - Wainuiototo Update 30 April 2022
Preserve New Chum for Everyone would like to give everyone an update on our progress to date.
The Northern Headland of New Chum Beach has been secured and we are now in the structure plan process as dictated by the interim decision of the Environment Court in relation to housing development on the larger block of land directly behind New Chum Beach.
Significant legal expenses are necessary to engage the necessary experts to represent Preserve New Chum for Everyone Inc and all those who have supported this cause for over a decade to preserve and protect this iconic area.
Any donations towards legal fees are gratefully accepted and can be given through the 'general' PNC4E givealittle page:
Please share the givealittle link. If there are any questions please contact us by email: or,
through our website:
Thank you
Nga Mihi Nui