To raise $50,000 to employ experts to represent Preserve New Chum for Everyone Inc in the upcoming Environment Court hearing.
We are currently raising money to employ legal and technical experts to represent us at District Plan appeals to the Environment Court.
The TCDC's proposed District Plan recognises New Chum Beach - Wainuiototo as a special place and has placed an 'Outstanding Natural Features and Landscape Overlay' over the beach and the bush backdrop. There is also a 'High Natural Character Overlay' over most of the bush and grassland behind the beach.
However, the developers of the land behind the beach are opposing the rules in the plan and the overlays. They have proposed a structure plan with multiple house sites behind the beach.
Preserve New Chum for Everyone Inc will be arguing that the district plan needs to be sufficient to protect New Chum - Wainuiototo from a future housing development. Our position is that NO development behind the beach is appropriate for this wilderness beach. We will not be seeking a compromise.
For a detailed timeline of events associated with New Chum beach go to our website
“Preserve New Chum for Everyone Inc” believes that New Chum is special, a ‘taonga’ (treasure), which should remain undeveloped for future generations to enjoy.
We are the voice of the past, the present & the future, dedicated to the preservation of New Chum beach/Wainuiototo for ever.
These funds are specifically for legal experts for Preserve New Chum: We have reached the place where we require a Lawyer and as required; Planners, Landscape Experts etc..
New Chum Beach - Wainuiototo. The journey continues. 1 May 2022
Preserve New Chum for Everyone would like to give everyone an update on our progress to date.
The Northern Headland of New Chum Beach has been secured and we are now in the structure plan process as dictated by the interim decision of the Environment Court in relation to housing development on the larger block of land directly behind New Chum Beach.
Significant legal expenses are necessary to engage experts to represent Preserve New Chum for Everyone Inc and all those who have supported this cause for over a decade to preserve and protect this iconic area.
Any donations towards legal fees are gratefully accepted and can be given through the 'general' PNC4E givealittle page:
Please share the givealittle link. If there are any questions please contact us by email: or,
through our website:
Thank you
Nga Mihi Nui