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Help the Hill family grieve Otis

$214,493 donated
Given by 3128 generous donors in 2 years

Help the Hill family grieve Otis


*Update 3/3/2024 - As some of you may be aware, Our Otis Otto Michael Hill passed away peacefully with his parents by his side on the 12th of February 2024. Funds will be used to help Otis' family to take some time off from work and take the financial pressure away so that they can grieve without stress*

Our good friends Rachel and Tyson received news that is every parents worst nightmare. Their 15 year old son Otis has a very rare form of cancer, and is Stage 4.

Incidentally found by Otis’s GP, and given only an hour to pack their bags and leave for Christchurch, they have had to leave their home, jobs and their daughter/sister - Isa (8), back in Wellington. They are embarking on the unknown and their sole focus is Otis and his upcoming treatment and recovery.

Otis is an incredible young man! Otis is wickedly funny. He is kind, gentle and a deep thinker. He LOVES music and his guitar is an extension of his body.

He loves his family and friends and always puts them first, especially his little sister. Otis will one day be an audio engineer.

Rachel, Tyson, Otis and Isa are the most beautiful family unit, and are going through the hardest time of their lives. Your donations, support and prayers are received with grace and appreciation beyond words. We are all beside the Rasch-Hill family so they can fight this cancer and bring Otis home safe and well.

*Please note there is another page for the family here: https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/48-hour-run-for-otis*

Tyson Hill's involvement (page creator)

Rachel and Tyson have been our very good friends for years.

Use of funds

Update 3/3/2024 - funds will be used to help Otis' family to take some time off from work and take the financial pressure away so that they can grieve without stress

Update 4/8/2023 - funds are now needed for a private biopsy & for Otis' bucketlist

Update 2/11/2022 - funds are also now needed for surgery in Sydney

Original use of funds: donations will be used to help alleviate the burden of not receiving any income and to allow them to pay their costs back home, so they can focus on Otis.

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Latest update

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5 months on without Otis  16 July 2024

It’s been 5 months and 4 days since Otis gained his wings. Tyson is back at work and Rachel will stay home for a little while longer. They feel it’s important that she is there for Isa before and after school. There will be a tribute article in Woman Days soon and the journalist has asked that they add the link to this givealittle. Kindly there are still people wanting to donate to the family while they navigate life without their son. By no means do they expect anything and were in two minds about keeping this open. So we will keep the page open until Otis birthday in September where he would’ve been 18.

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Elena on 17 Jul 2024
I’m constantly thinking of you x praying for your healing ❤️‍🩹 love you Otis x
Geronimo on 17 Jul 2024
San Fran
San Fran on 10 May 2024
San Fran is proud to donate all profits raised from Otisfest 2024. Otis Hill was here x
Tyson Hill

Thank you so much ❤️

Tyson Hill
Steph on 20 Apr 2024
Gutted for you guys ❤️
Hans on 15 Apr 2024
Hope Otisfest went well Otis and fam, best wishes and see you when I'm next back from London ❤️

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Tyson Hill's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Tyson Hill
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This campaign started on 17 Feb 2022 and ends on 12 Oct 2024.