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The Kindness Collective - Help from Home 4

$54,594 of $100,000 goal
Given by 239 generous donors in 8 weeks

Help us make New Zealand the kindest place on the planet by delivering 100 Acts of Kindness.


Kindness. It's just about the only thing in the world that doubles when you share it.

Kindness isn’t just a buzz word for us. We’ve been putting kindness into action locally since 2014 and have invested over $521,000 worth of practical, tangible acts of kindness into communities and now we want to take it one step further.

We want to build a kinder New Zealand. The kind of New Zealand where everyone thrives. So we’re taking kindness on the road to deliver a tour of #100ActsofKindness right across the country!

What does practical kindness look like?

• Working bees to beautify community spaces in neighbourhoods that need care and connection.

• Buying warm winter PJs for children in low decile schools and early childhood education centres.

• Supporting whānau in need with groceries, fill up community supermarkets and food pantries.

• Bringing Christmas kindness to life for thousands of families with presents and food for Christmas Day.

• Building community book libraries and filling them up with new, beautiful books.

• Providing 'wishes' for children with illness, disabilities and under Social Services.

• Building community gardens for families to have access to both fresh, quality food.

• Supporting sports clubs with gear and uniforms in communities that don’t have access to them.

• Providing children with sports, dance and music classes who couldn’t otherwise afford it.

• Building outdoor play equipment for children with disabilities in special education schools.

• Making over Women’s Refuge safe houses and gardens.

• Supporting low-decile schools and ECE Centres with school trips for education and entertainment.

We'll be coordinating practical acts of kindness all over the country from 1st September. Our teams are ready to go in Auckland, Hamilton, Taupō, Wellington, Invercargill, Christchurch, Dunedin and everywhere in between!

We know that being on the receiving end of an act of kindness provides moments of joy, connection and ultimately provides people moments of hope. We also know just how rough 2020 was for a lot of people in New Zealand and kindness is needed more than ever, so we want to remind the nation that a little bit of kindness goes a really long way.

Head to to learn more about us, donate generously and help us make New Zealand the kindest place on the planet. 🌏 ❤️

About us

The Kindness Collective is a charity on a mission to bring kindness to every kiwi. Check out our website for more info on who we are and what we do!

Use of funds

Your donations will go directly to kiwis in need. Check out some of our impact via our last year's impact report:

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Latest update

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100 Acts of Kindness - Update   28 February 2022

Kia ora!

It's been seven months since we kicked off 100 Acts of Kindness and we wanted to send you a quick update to let you know how we've been getting on.

As soon as the campaign ended (literally on the same day) Auckland was put into Level 4 Lockdown and pretty much stayed that way until early December. This obviously put a halt on some of our plans but we still managed to tick some amazing acts of kindness off the list.

After lockdown ended in December, we moved straight into Christmas plans and opened the Christmas Joy Store, a social toy store that provided over 24,000 toys for children to open on Christmas morning. In 2022 we've been busy with helping tamariki go back to school with donations of stationery, uniforms, bags and shoes and we've just finished our first major build project with a community garden.

We've officially ticked 30 Acts of Kindness off the list, some massive, some small but all impactful. This means we've still got 70 to go before we end on World Kindness Day in November with something pretty special.

If you'd like to see what we've done so far and keep updated then head to or follow us on Facebook or Instagram: @kindnesscollectivefoundation

Thank you so much for your incredible support!

KC xx

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Latest donations

RUN on 17 Aug 2021
Great charity, good luck!
Homai Nga Taonga
Homai Nga Taonga on 17 Aug 2021
Ronica on 17 Aug 2021
Donation from a parent from Aranga ECC.
Kakano on 17 Aug 2021
Thank you for all your support Kindness Collective.
Another ocean drop
Another ocean drop on 17 Aug 2021
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This campaign started on 18 Jun 2021 and ended on 17 Aug 2021.