Trudi Kent Fund

$17,194 of $20,000 goal
Given by 326 generous donors in around 3 months

Trudi is a gift that keeps on giving. This page can help others and give back which is what she would have wanted.


On Friday the 10th of July, Trudi was in an unfortunate car accident, she was rushed to Wellington hospital by Westpac helicopter services. Her parents were taken in and provided accommodation by Ronald McDonald House. For the final leg of her journey, she was able to be brought home to Nelson with her parents by her side by Life Flight. This is a true blessing for those close to Trudi as we had the chance to say goodbye. Trudi passed away peacefully on Sunday 12th of July surrounded by loved ones.

Trudi was a beautiful soul and has touched the lives of many. She had a profound impact on people's lives whether she had known them for five minutes or five years. She lives on through those whom she has touched. I know I count myself lucky to have had her in my life, and for the blessing of her parents. Trudi was an amazing daughter, sister, friend, and nurse.

Catherine and David have requested instead of flowers and other gifts that you give back by donating to the above causes. These services provided and did everything they could, and the parents are forever grateful. Please donate as this is what Trudi would want.

An angel gone too soon, she lives forever young.

Shannon Norton's involvement (page creator)

One of trudi's close friends.

Latest update

New goal for Truds 💚  30 August 2020

Seeing how this has gotten to $17,000 which we never would have imagined. It would just be a dream to get it too $20,000 for Trudi. Thanks for all your love and support.

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Latest donations

Shannon on 09 Sep 2020
Nursing book x
Cerys on 01 Sep 2020
Erika on 31 Aug 2020
Sophie on 30 Aug 2020
Much love from a Garin sister xx
Grandma Mary
Grandma Mary on 30 Aug 2020
Love you to the moon and back! Grandma Mary xxxxxx

Who's involved?

Shannon Norton's avatar
Created by Shannon Norton
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 3 payees:
Tax credit
Donations of over $15 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 14 Jul 2020 and ended on 15 Oct 2020.