Connecting people with nature conservation in their communities
Nelson / Tasman
We offer credible expertise in the protection, maintenance and restoration of land, freshwater and estuarine natural environments. We are local and accessible and are widely representative, understanding a variety of viewpoints. We work collaboratively with the whole community including special interest groups, landowners and businesses in Tasman. Our role is encouragement not enforcement. We distribute funds for viable local environmental projects.
Tasman Environmental Trust was founded in 2000 by four organisations: The Department of Conservation, Federated Farmers, Queen Elizabeth II Trust and the Tasman District Council.
Our trustees have a wide and deep range of conservationist experience and are therefore able to provide information and expertise to grass-roots environmental groups. Having skills and experience in science, business, farming, health services and policy enables the trust to connect with and work alongside a variety of sectors and the individuals, groups and organisations within these.
You can read more about our projects here:
TET connects people with conservation by offering expertise in protection & restoration of natural environments. We work collaboratively with the community including special interest groups, landowners and businesses in Tasman and Nelson.