10x10 Philanthropy's profile image

10x10 Philanthropy

Group, Auckland

Cause pages

Attend the next 10x10 Auckland charity crowdfunding event | 7 May 2024
Storytelling. Entertainment. Impact. Join us to hear from three inspirational charities at this Dragon's Den inspired crowdfunding event.
Raise funds and support for access innovation | 14 August
10x10 Aotearoa WITH Global Centre of Possibility presents an evening of story telling, access innovation and impact.

Fundraiser pages

The Aunties
provides practical and emotional support to women who have experienced violent relationships.
Kindness Collective Foundation
is bringing joy to thousands of children this year through three different projects including opening a free toy shop in December.
I Got Your Back Pack
provides emergency care packs to families in the care of safe houses and similar support agencies.
10x10 Auckland Event | POSTPONED
Due to New Zealand being put into Red level restrictions, we have made the difficult decision to reschedule this event.
10x10 AKL May 7 2024 - live event payments
Fundraising for Attend the next 10x10 Auckland charity crowdfunding event | 7 May 2024