Support the family

$40 of $500 goal
Pledged by 3 generous supporters in 4 weeks

This project is to help the parents who need to attend more workshops


We have fundings to provide free workshops to our parents as an entry level, however, there are some parents who needs more help but can not afford for the advance workshop, we are here to ask for the public's help.

These parents might have been somehow abused when they were little, violence had been default in them, they tried really hard not to duplicate the same childhood to their own child, they need to attend our advance workshop to support them go through this.

Wellbeing Charitable Trust's involvement (page creator)

We have been working with Meaningful parenting workshops since 2014, we provide free parenting workshops to reduce the pressure for the migrant parents.

During these years, the parents and us realized that our parenting are often duplicated from our parents, therefore, we have advance parenting workshops to help those parents who realize they need more help to avoid their children been abused in any way.

We provide these workshops to them, most of the parents can afford the workshops, but there are a few they can not afford it.

We do this to offer one family free workshop with others as we believe that all children should live in a violence free childhood.

About us

Partner with SKIP, it's not OK campaign to provide information and resources for the communities that are relevant to the parents regarding to family harm prevention.

Use of funds

Funds raised will be used to the parents who can not afford the cost to attend our advance parenting workshops

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Latest pledges

Orange on 24 Apr 2017
Mel on 24 Apr 2017
Wish all meaningful parenting family find their path to the greater happiness and fullness of life!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Apr 2017
Hope we got more love, respect and safe families for our little ones

Who's involved?

Wellbeing Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Wellbeing Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 14 Apr 2017 and ended on 14 May 2017.