'No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.' We have 8 dogs needing urgent placement, and funds to assist with rehoming.
'No one can do everything, but everyone can do something'
We have 8 dogs needing urgent placement, and no backup options. With 6 days to go we are counting down, and worried about what happens next.
We work tirelessly to help the dogs that come into our care trust again. To understand that the world, and people, are ok. To know they are loved, that food is not something they have to want for, to learn to play. We work hard to get them ready to go into forever homes and know that they won’t ever have to know pain, hunger and sadness again.
Due to a horrible set of circumstances, we need help. Urgent help to save dogs lives.
Our team are desperately hunting for appropriate placements for all these dogs we’ve grown to know and love. Sitting at their jobs shedding tears at yet another unsuitable foster, money running low and people not noticing our cries for help.
We NEED everyone to be sharing our info, talking to everyone they know about helping us out. We also need funds to assist us with essentials for these dogs.
If you could donate the price of a coffee, and encourage a friend to do the same this would provide some much needed hope to our desperate team. Share our message, help us to help these dogs.
Every little truly helps.
Thank you <3
We work with the owners of life chained, neglected and abused dogs to empower them with the skills to become good dog owners, and provide them with the tools to do so.
We believe in helping ANY dog we can, no matter the size, breed or situation.
All donations will be used to directly impact a Chained Dogs life on food, travel costs, vet bills etc. CDRRNZ IS 100% volunteer run.
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