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Queenies eye surgery

$2,352 of $3,000 goal
Given by 47 generous donors in one year

Queenie requires entropian surgery on both eyes, this has us looking at between $2,000 - $3,000 to have both eyes operated on.


Queenie is one of the lucky dogs that we have worked with, she was relinquished into our care after a life on a chain.

Queenie has suffered from Entropian on both eyes which causes her discomfort. While we have managed this over the years pending a suitable foster home for her surgery. Now that she is in an amazing foster home she is ready for her op.

Sadly the entropian is worse than first assesed and the earlier guestimate of costs being about $1,000 has almost trippled with us looking at between $2,000 - $3,000 to have both eyes operated on.

Please help us give Queenie the surgery she deserves so that she can be free of her discomfort and be ready for her very own happily ever after.

About us

We work with the owners of life chained, neglected and abused dogs to empower them with the skills to become good dog owners, and provide them with the tools to do so.

We believe in helping ANY dog we can, no matter the size, breed or situation.

Use of funds

The funds raised will be used to get Queenie the surgery required to fix the entropian on both of her eyes.

Any additional funds will go towards caring for the other 120 dogs we work with in our Outreach Program who are still life chained.

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Latest donations

Kate, Kendall, Sydney, Tanzee, Abby, Eliani, Nicky, Gracy, Ricky, Tamzin, Caitlyn, Lucy, Kazia, Nethra, DJ, Sofia, Caitlin, Anamika, Sukie, Stephany, Richelle, Tanvi, Jaydon, Alex, Mason, Ashra, Yeseul, Luke, Reef, Josh, Brandon, Nick, Loa, Malindu
Kate, Kendall, Sydney, Tanzee, Abby, Eliani, Nicky, Gracy, Ricky, Tamzin, Caitlyn, Lucy, Kazia, Nethra, DJ, Sofia, Caitlin, Anamika, Sukie, Stephany, Richelle, Tanvi, Jaydon, Alex, Mason, Ashra, Yeseul, Luke, Reef, Josh, Brandon, Nick, Loa, Malindu on 10 Dec 2018
Jade Clarkson
Jade Clarkson on 09 Dec 2018
All the best
Phil and Anthea
Phil and Anthea on 29 Jul 2018
All the best for Queenie's future.
Aaron on 29 Jul 2018
hope this helps
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 May 2018

Who's involved?

Chained Dog Rehabilitation & Rehoming's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Chained Dog Rehabilitation & Rehoming (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 24 Apr 2018 and ended on 24 Apr 2019.