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Let's give Adira that second chance

$970 of $2,000 goal
Given by 20 generous donors in one year

New relinquishee Adira has to have a painful tumor removed from her foot and several mammary lumps checked.


Adira came into our care just over a week ago after finally being relinquished to her wonderful neighbour concerned for her wellbeing. At a spritely 10 years old, Adira deserves to spend some time knowing love.

In the past week she has had a make over spending over two hours at the groomers (which is after over 2hours in the bath at her foster home) where her looks now match her amazing personality.

As part of joining the family Adira has been off for her vet check and sadly we have found that she has a painful tumor on her toe that needs removal and further investigation is required for several mammary lumps.

Things like this are a bit of a kick in the teeth when life chained dogs are finally free but we are determined to get Adira the treatment she needs to enjoy the next phase of her life.

About us

We work with the owners of life chained, neglected and abused dogs to empower them with the skills to become good dog owners, and provide them with the tools to do so.

We believe in helping ANY dog we can, no matter the size, breed or situation.

Use of funds

We are looking to cover the cost of surgery to remove the tumor from her toe and investigate the mammary lumps. Estimate for this is $1,500 however this may increase depending what is found with the investigation.

Latest donations

Ragni on 01 Jan 2020
I hope you success in you goal
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Feb 2019
Liz Regan
Liz Regan on 25 Feb 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Feb 2019
Suzin on 22 Feb 2019
You are beautiful Adira !

Who's involved?

Chained Dog Rehabilitation & Rehoming's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Chained Dog Rehabilitation & Rehoming (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 Feb 2019 and ended on 20 Feb 2020.