Help us cover the costs for Henry's surgery & vet care which will be anywhere up to $13,000.
Unfortunately our boy Henry hasn't been well. After spending several days in and out of the vets it has been discovered that he has a major structural abnormality in his stomach with possible bowel entrapment.
He is currently under the care of VSG and his costs are estimated to be up to $13,000 including surgery and his vet care over last few days while we figured out what’s wrong with our boy.
We have never let funds stop us doing everything we can for our dogs, and we won't now BUT we desparately need your help with this.
We work with the owners of life chained, neglected and abused dogs to empower them with the skills to become good dog owners, and provide them with the tools to do so.
We believe in helping ANY dog we can, no matter the size, breed or situation.
Vet costs incurred working out what's wrong with Henry, his surgery and his after surgery care.
He's on the mend! 28 October 2018
Thank you to everyone who has checked in asking after Henry.
He is definitely on the up and up and after several weeks of rest & recovery he has started to venture out again.
Henry had us very worried and having over 60cm of his lower intestine removed is something to be scared about. We were blessed that he has the most amazing foster parents and that the team at Veterinary Specialist Group were able to give him the 5 star treatment he deserved.
We still have a way to go to pay off nearly $10,000 worth of care and appreciate every cent donated so far.
It's unexpected and hefty costs like this that can really put rescues on the back foot so your help getting on top of this is really amazing.
Can't wait to see more adventures Henry!