Life Matters Street Appeal - 19 May 2023

$1,227 donated
Given by 35 generous donors in 4 weeks

Annual Street Appeal for Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust | Te Whare Oranga Ngākau

Dunedin, Otago

Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust (LMSPT)'s Annual Street Appeal is happening on Friday 19 May in Dunedin and Mosgiel.

LMSPT provides mental health support to the Dunedin community and beyond from the Hope Centre | Te Whare Tūmanako at 63 Hanover Street. All of our services are free. We have a team of 27 Peer Supporters who provide support directly to people | tangata whaiora, as well as bereavement support groups and family support groups. Every Thursday, we hold a Crisis Cafe where anyone in suicidal crisis can drop in and get support in a safe, non-clinical environment. We encourage you to check out our website for more information about what we do:

We don't receive any government funding so the street appeal is an important fundraiser for us. Funds raised will help cover the cost of Peer Support at the Hope Centre | Te Whare Tūmanako, bereavement support, and subsidised counselling. It's also a day full of sharing stories and messages of hope. Thank you for donating to us.

About us

Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust | Te Whare Oranga Ngākau works across three areas of suicide response - prevention, intervention and postvention. We are a Dunedin based charity providing nationwide support

Use of funds

Peer support, subsidised counselling, bereavement support, and other support provided at the Hope Centre | Te Whare Tūmanako

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Latest donations

Fiona on 26 May 2023
Amazing work
Kirsten on 26 May 2023
Jackie on 19 May 2023
Megan on 19 May 2023
Samantha on 19 May 2023

Who's involved?

Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 28 Apr 2023 and ended on 30 May 2023.