Please help ARNNZ to pay spay/neuter bills for Liz's workplace colony cats!

$120 of $1,000 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in 5 weeks

Recently we were contacted by a wonderful lady called Liz. Liz is trying to save nine cats that live on the grounds of the company she works


Liz negotiated with her management that if she could find a way to desex the cats, the cats could stay. She was really concerned that the company may approach Pest Control to remove the cats. All of them were born wild but are now becoming more tame and friendly with the love their caretakers are giving them every day.

There are nine cats altogether, and without the help of our awesome supporters we will not be able to afford to pay vet bills for their spay/neuter, vaccination and flea/worm treatment. We really hope you guys will step in and help us and Liz that improved the life of the cats greatly, and prevented more unwanted kittens being born into that colony.

Here are the photos of Grandma cat and one of her boys Gremlin who went to our vet for their snip-snip. One of her other boys that you can't see here is such a big smooch! There is a hope he will soon move from outside to inside the building, and that he will be going on mouse patrols inside!

All nine cats are doing an incredible job keeping rodents away from the large company grounds. They definitely deserved to get the surgeries done that were nessasary for them to stay on the company land.

Cat Rescue Dunedin's involvement (page creator)

My name is Ana and I'm a founder of Animal Rescue Network New Zealand. Me and my friends saw a need to start animal rescue group in Dunedin and in January 2015 began trapping, neutering, and re-homing kittens and cats. We soon became aware of the scale of the stray cat problem in the city. ARNNZ became an incorporated charitable trust in June 2015. ARNNZ is committed to reducing the stray cat overpopulation using two approaches: 1. TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return), kittens under the age of 8 weeks can be socialized and re-homed. 2. Educating the community about the consequences of not de-sexing their pets. ARNNZ relies on donations to carry out this work and we do this without any premises. All of our rescues are fostered in private homes by volunteers.

About us

In January 2015 Cat Rescue Dunedin was formed by a small group of Dunedin residents who had seen the need for someone to begin helping the wild-born and abandoned cats and kittens living on the streets of Dunedin.

We became a charitable trust in June 2015, and since then we have desexed and rehomed hundreds of kittens which would otherwise have been left to breed uncontrollably. We were formerly known as the Animal Rescue Network NZ.

We are committed to reducing the wild-born and stray cat population through a combination of TNR and adoption.

Cats which are unable to be socialized to live with people can be humanely managed by a process known as trap, neuter, return (TNR). This means that the cats are desexed and returned to their environment where a caretaker feeds and monitors the cats to ensure their continued wellbeing. Desexing the cats ensures that their numbers don't increase, and over time the colony size reduces naturally.

Our long-term aim is to have our own shelter but until then all of our cats and kittens are fostered in private homes until they are ready for adoption.

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Latest donations

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Guest Donor on 08 Jun 2016
Matilda on 03 Jun 2016
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Guest Donor on 27 May 2016
Kathryn on 25 May 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 May 2016
Well done guys, you are doing such an amazing job!

Who's involved?

Animal Rescue Network New Zealand's avatar
Created by Cat Rescue Dunedin, paying to a verified bank account of Animal Rescue Network New Zealand (Charity) on behalf of Liz's workplace colony cats
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 May 2016 and ended on 30 Jun 2016.