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Portable pump track

$335 of $4,000 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in around 9 months

ReBicycle EkeRua is fundraising for bikes and scooters to go with the portable pump track, and a trailer to store them in.


ReBicycle EkeRua is fundraising on behalf of a group of schools and community centres in the Eastern suburbs for a portable pump track.

What is it?

Pump tracks are a great way for kids of all ages to have a fun, safe, yet challenging activity, that encourages both physical and mental wellbeing. The portable pump track supplied by ParkLife is a modular system that can be removed and relocated. It can be placed on a school court or field, making it ideal for schools with limited outdoor areas.

This campaign is to raise money to buy bikes and scooters to go with the pump track, and a trailer to store them in.

Why it is important?

Wellington has around 12 Bikes in Schools tracks, however these require more space than the participating schools have available or significant fundraising (cost over $80000 per school). Our Bike KREW Rodeo is currently the only free activity available, but has limited capacity (e.g. fine weather, supervised use) and only a dozen small bikes.

Promoting cycling and scootering as a ‘cool’ way to get around for people living in the flattest suburbs of our city will help to alleviate transport poverty, improve physical and mental health (both for individuals and those benefiting from less air pollution) and reduce carbon emissions. It will allow tamariki to build their confidence and skills on two wheels and encourage schools to participate in cycle skills training. As well as being a resource schools can use during class time to help build student resilience, improve concentration and develop motor skills, it will be a feature the young people in the community can get together around at other times - a safe place to socialise.

It will be entirely free and accessible at all hours to use and be moved around the suburbs every few months so the novelty remains.

About us

EkeRua ReBicycle is a community charity that is all about getting more people on bikes.

Every month, we receive dozens of bikes donated by generous Wellingtonians. Our volunteer mechanics fix them up and we carefully match them to people who need a bike.

Use of funds

We aim to raise $10000 to purchase bikes, scooters and helmets. Then another $20000 for a trailer to store them in. Any surplus would be used for maintenance and repairs or future ReBicycle EkeRua projects.

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Latest update

Fundraiser update  28 December 2020

Kia ora folks,

Quick update to say we're extending our time frame and lowering the goal for now. If we can get a set of ten bikes and scooters that would be something!

Hope you're all having a lovely summer so far!

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Latest donations

Denise on 17 Dec 2020
Bill on 31 Aug 2020
Go hard!
Mark on 31 Aug 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Jul 2020
Dave on 14 Jul 2020
Keep up the good work

Who's involved?

ReBicycle Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, ReBicycle Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 14 Jul 2020 and ended on 28 Mar 2021.