Support Backcountry Trust Wahine to save Comet Hut

$3,805 of $15,000 goal
Given by 61 generous donors in around 4 months

Comet Hut in the Ruahine will be relocated and renovated by an awesome team of strong, capable women.

Comet Hut is a 4 bunk forestry service hut at the end of Comet Road, Hawkes Bay. The road is accessible to all vehicles and historically, the hut has been subject to vandalism. The water tank and cladding are riddled with bullet holes, the internal furniture in the hut has been stolen or burned and the inside of the hut is littered with graffiti.

The Backcountry Trust has a team of skilled ladies (all volunteers) who are ready to relocate this hut to a beautiful new location on the Ngaruroro River and give it a makeover. Once in its new home, they will install new windows, roof, internal lining, new bunks (convert to 6), fireplace, woodshed, wharepaku, and paint it inside and out. Depending on how much funding we raise, they may also put a deck on the front. This will be the first time an all-female crew has come together for a BCT project, and a significant one at that! We’re looking forward to seeing the mahi this team does, and also to empowering a team of strong, capable women who inspire future generations of hut and track volunteers. This team’s journey will also be documented in a short film.

The hut will be situated in a prime location for whitewater kayakers, rafters, packrafters, anglers, and conservationists. There will also be a track cut to the hut for foot access.

We’ve got support from DOC, and the Airforce (who are going to lift the hut with their NH90 to its new location), but it’s a significant project, so we need extra funds to make this happen!

About us

The Backcountry Trust is a non-profit registered charitable trust that funds volunteer work throughout New Zealand maintaining New Zealand's backcountry hut and track network.

Use of funds

Building materials and equipment, helicopter transport for the team and materials, food for the team on site, compliance documentation (such as CCC for the fireplace)

Latest donations

Jan on 03 Feb 2023
Go wahine toa!!!
Hedley on 03 Feb 2023
Go girls! Love your hard mahi!
Warner on 03 Feb 2023
Sounds like a very worthwhile project. Go nga wahine!
Tony on 02 Feb 2023
Natalie on 02 Feb 2023
Best of luck with this awesome project team!

Who's involved?

Backcountry Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Backcountry Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 25 Nov 2022 and ended on 21 Mar 2023.