All donations will support the needs of the Cathedral.
On 3 July, the Auckland Catholic Diocesan General Manager, James van Schie will be plunging into the ice cold water for the ‘Iceberg’ swim on Waiheke Island to raise funds for St Pat’s Cathedral. Can you "jump in" and make a donation to help keep this special Cathedral afloat even if James sinks? You can find out more about the swim at: You can find out more about James' preparedness / willingness to give it a go by asking him when you next see him! Or by turning up to watch and cheer him on!
Our Cathedral is the spiritual home of the Auckland Diocese providing a sanctuary in our city for prayer, worship, and pastoral care for thousands of people each year. COVID-19 has hit the Cathedral hard with many gatherings cancelled, fewer visitors and tourists, reduced donations and an understandable reluctance of many people with health vulnerabilities to gather with others to attend events at the Cathedral.
St Patrick’s Cathedral is open again and has a bright future but needs help to fully recover financially and to continue to provide the special services it always has. James has a "sink or swim" approach to life - he is swimming this event to keep the doors of the Cathedral wide open and keep the spirit of the place afloat! He hopes his icy venture might warm the hearts of friends of the Cathedral and encourages everyone who's survived reading these ice / swimming puns to donate.
You can sponsor James’ swim by making a tax deductible gift through this page to the Bishop – with all proceeds going to help the Cathedral of St Patrick and St Joseph.
Our Cathedral is the spiritual home of the Auckland Diocese providing a sanctuary in the city for prayer, worship, and pastoral care for thousands of people each year.
All donations will go towards providing for the needs of the Cathedral so that our Cathedral staff and volunteers can continue providing
Thanks for your generous support 5 July 2021
Thank you very much to all of you for your generous support of ‘swimming for St Pat’s’. We were very lucky with weather and conditions on the day. Your generous support carried me across the line in 2nd position in my age group and 13th out of 193.
We swam to support the hardworking priests, volunteers, staff, and religious at St Pat’s Cathedral and were delighted to have representatives from the Cathedral come and cheer us on. There have also been some cash donations which came in on Friday and Sunday which we will add to your sponsorship. Between Sarah and I we will have gone over the $8k mark 😊 2022 here we come, who else is in?