Human rights

Help protect human rights the world over.

December ten

Human Rights Day – held on 10 December every year – commemorates the day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly first adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Yet nearly 70 years later, many people around the are still denied the basic human rights and freedoms that everyone should have.

This year, the United Nations is calling on everyone to stand up and be counted in the battle for human rights. And at #givealittle we’re 100% behind the cause to raise awareness.

So please, help the fight against intolerance, violence and hatred this Human Rights Day. Show your support for your fellow man by fundraising on behalf of one of the many organisations dedicated to the cause. Or simply by spreading the word to help protect human rights the over.

Human rights

Choose a cause to support.

Here are just some of the amazing causes and organisations dedicated to supporting human rights. Choose your favourite and get involved today: