Age Concern New Zealand is the leading organisation for older people in New Zealand.
Age Concern is the charity in your neighbourhood supporting older people, their friends and whānau. We provide the national coordination of services, contracts and programmes run through our local Age Concern network across 40 locations in NZ.
Understanding and caring is in Age Concern’s DNA. Dignity, wellbeing, equity, and respect for older people are our guiding lights.
Your donation will help us continue to provide national coordination of all our programmes including:
• Volunteer visiting service
• Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention services
• Health Promotion programmes
There are approximately 750,000 New Zealanders aged 65 + and it is estimated that by 2034 this will increase to 1.2 million. We need to be prepared for this increase as the demand for our services will be huge.
We are active and vocal on relevant issues and work to ensure older people stay connected with their family, friends and community. Age Concern New Zealand has worked to promote the rights, wellbeing and quality of life of older people, koroua and kuia since 1948.
Please help support us to help increase the mental and physical wellbeing of our older Kiwis.
We make a difference to the lives of older New Zealanders through respect and empowerment.
We help combat severe loneliness through our Accredited Visiting Service and we stop older people being abused and neglected through our Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Service. We also keep our older Kiwis happy and healthy with our Health Promotion programmes.
We work hard to make sure that every older person feels valued, respected, socially connected and safe.