Kaimanawa Heritage Horses

Kaimanawa Heritage Horses

Kaimanawa Heritage Horses is dedicated to the care and protection of Kaimanawa horses in both the wild and domestic environments.


KHH History

Every year the population of wild Kaimanawa horses is reduced to 300 by aerial mustering. We search for suitable homes for these horses and offer our support to the people who take the horses, and the horses themselves, through our welfare team and area representatives.

Since the musters began in the 1990s we have rehomed thousands of Kaimanawa horses. In 2012 we helped save 119 of the 191 horses that were mustered, and since 2014 every horse suitable to rehome has been saved. We organise an annual show where people can show their amazing Kaimanawas; publish a magazine; organise trips to see the wild horses, and promote the Kaimanawa horses as great all-round riding ponies.

More about us

Annually the population of wild Kaimanawa horses is reduced to 300 by aerial mustering. We search for suitable homes for these horses, rehoming as many as possible.

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Latest update

Muster 2024  1 March 2024

The Department of Conservation has completed its annual aerial survey and the official Kaimanawa herd count is 530. In keeping with the Kaimanawa Wild Horse Advisory Group (KWHAG) management plan, that puts the target removal number at 230. This large number of horses is not unexpected due to the cancellation of the 2023 muster due to the cyclone damage.

We must now find as many homes as possible by reaching out on social media and completing potential home checks. The list of approved homes is matched to horses at the muster yards in the Ranges and the horses are then either trucked to temporary yards for a night or delivered directly to their new owners.

KHH works hard throughout the year with selling our merchandise, supporting our generous sponsors, reaching out to our many members and promoting the work we do to ensure that as many horses as possible have a safe and knowledgeable home to go to. We also have a very active welfare team that responds to any concerns about care of the Kaimanawas once rehomed and we provide on going financial support to cover costs of horses that are in our care. All funds raised will go directly towards muster and welfare costs. KHH is run by a group of very dedicated volunteers.

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Latest donations

Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 27 Jun 2024
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
Kaimanawa Heritage Horses

Thank you so much for your kind donation. Every little bit helps with the welfare of these horses that have both come out of the wild, and the ones in the wild through the musters for contraception, we are hoping our next one will be in August (but still to be confirmed). Please watch our KHH face-book page for opportunities very soon to purchase tickets for our tours through the ranges, to see these magnificent animals in the wild at the end of November/beginning December. The scenery is amazing. Thank you again KHH Committee

Kaimanawa Heritage Horses
Judy on 28 Apr 2024
Kaimanawa Heritage Horses

Hi Judy, Thank you for the kind donation you have made to help the Kaimanawa horses. It has been a busy time with the recent muster, and an upcoming muster to help with the contraception of the mares, to enable these beautiful animals to remain in the wild. Our charity relies on the kind-hearted people like yourself who care about these magnificent animals.

Kaimanawa Heritage Horses
Anna & Di
Anna & Di on 14 Apr 2024
With our love and prayers that the horses are looked after
Kaimanawa Heritage Horses

Thankyou Anna and Di. You donation will go towards welfare and rehoming.

Kaimanawa Heritage Horses
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Apr 2024
Kaimanawa Heritage Horses

Thankyou for donating to rehome the horses.

Kaimanawa Heritage Horses
Dorothy on 12 Apr 2024
Kaimanawa Heritage Horses

Thanking for your donation

Kaimanawa Heritage Horses

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kaimanawa Heritage Horses (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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