Donations from our supporters are vital for the health of New Zealanders, both now and in the future.
The Neurological Foundation of New Zealand continues to strive to make a difference to those with neurological conditions by raising money to fund research into the very best neurological research here in New Zealand.
Our mission is to be a catalyst to improve the quality of life for the one in three New Zealanders impacted by neurological conditions. We’re committed to providing hope that through research there will be better treatments and possible cures for a range of conditions, now and in the future.
For those living with a neurological condition, every small achievement can be a monumental step forward. We call these achievements "inchstones," as each one brings us closer to a significant milestone. Just as people facing the challenges of neurological conditions measure their progress inch by inch, so too do our researchers as they work to unravel the mysteries of the brain. Scientific progress is methodical, precise, and often slow, requiring time, dedication, and patience. Since 1971, research funded by the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand has steadily advanced our understanding of a wide array of neurological conditions and diseases. It’s only when we reflect on where we began that we can truly appreciate the progress we've made.
The Neurological Foundation continues to strive to make a difference to those with neurological conditions by raising money to fund research into the very best neurological research here in New Zealand.
Update for 20/05/2012 20 May 2012
Wow - we have had such great feedback after the ODT ran the front page article of Austen. Where are we at? So far Austen has got himself some new shoes which has sorted out a bit of an issue that we were having when he starts to fatigue. He was starting to clip his feet as the muscles that bring your toes up got tired (a side effect of his spinal cord injury). After the article Austen has had some good pool sessions, a run with Trev and back into the gym next week....with exams coming up its a bit of self imposed rest and starting to get the distances up. We haven't had a run together for a few weeks so we have a 10km planned for next weekend....and I am hoping to keep up this time! Thanks for all the donations to date - we have an aim to get to $5000 so every little bit helps! Thanks Mark Shirley - Physiotherapist
We are extremely grateful to organisations who run employee matching gift programmes. Thank you so very much to the employee and Westpac NZ!
Yes, you are awesome! Thank you so very much for this generous gift.
Thank you so much, Susan, for this amazing donation. Together we are trying to turn the world around for the 1 in 3 kiwis affected by neurological conditions.
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