RainbowYOUTH (RY) supports queer, gender diverse, takatāpui and intersex youth, their whānau, friends and wider communities.
RY provides information, support and advocacy for queer, gender diverse, takatāpui and intersex youth across Aotearoa. We have youth led peer support groups across Auckland, Northland, Taranaki and Bay of Plenty, with peer support workers in those regions to provide specialised 1:1 peer support to young people exploring their identity. We advocate for our communities where ever we're needed, and we're working to make Aotearoa a great place to grow up as a queer, gender diverse, takatāpui and/or intersex person.
For more information visit http://www.ry.org.nz/about/what-we-do/
RainbowYOUTH (est.1989) is a charitable organisation dedicated to helping young queer and gender diverse (LGBTIQ) people up to the ages of 28, as well as their wider communities.
At RainbowYOUTH, we’re about fostering a safe, inclusive, accepting and diverse family environment. We are drug, smoke, and alcohol free.
Our motto is Know Who You Are, Be Who You Are. The Tiwhanawhana Trust in Wellington have gifted us a version of our motto in te reo Maori: Whaia to ake ngakaunui, i te pono, i te marama. Simply translated, it means: Follow your desires with truth and clarity