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Get our Angel Wings on & stand proud

$250 of $3,500 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in 6 weeks

Can all our children be seen, heard and valued? Let's celebrate inclusivity by supporting the Angel Wings project in the Bay of Islands.

Kerikeri, Northland

"Take care of what our children see, hear & feel for how they grow is how Aotearoa will be shaped." Dame Whina Cooper’s (paraphrased)wise words light the path toward a healthy future. We must also demonstrate acceptance of our uniqueness & differences.

By supporting our giant Angel Wings installation, you’ll be celebrating diversity, inclusivity and equity as vital to the wellbeing of our community.

Our wish is that all our people – tangata whenua(indigenous), immigrants, seasonal, young and old, queer and straight, of different abilities and social status, faiths and beliefs are all valued and celebrated for who they are.

All of these humans are represented in the feathers of the Angel Wings.

Taitamariki (children & young people) and the elderly – all of different abilities from local schools, home schoolers, aged care residences, Rainbow Rangatahi club, organisations & migrant workers, exchange students and local residents have designed each feather.

Our 3D colourful Angel Wings will be a gigantic 4mt x 4mt installation in the Kerikeri Domain. They will celebrate differences & oneness.

We invite visitors and locals to proudly ‘wear’ them & celebrate diversity and inclusivity with us. Then our tamariki will see, hear and feel that every human, no matter who they choose to be, has value and belongs together in this space.

Be who you are.

Get your Angel wings on and stand proud in our space.

About us

'Bald Angels Charitable Trust' believes all children deserve to thrive & we focus on the most vulnerable. We engage the community in whanaungatanga values: providing emergency essentials, trauma Angel Bears, youth mentoring & whānau support.

Use of funds

Your support will help us raise the final $$$ needed to install the giant Angel Wings in the Kerikeri Domain. (Thanks to The Bay of Islands- Whangaroa Community Board, Our Kerikeri and Henwood Construction who have supported the project also.)

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Latest update

We called out and you listened!  11 September 2023

A very big thank you to those who donated towards the final leg of our Angel Wings Project, your donations contributed to the installation of this captivating piece – as you would have already seen, our brightly coloured Angel Wings hang proudly in The Domain.

Visited and photographed by many who share in celebrating the diversity, inclusivity, and equity of our treasured community.

This link takes you to a fun video of our Giant Angel Wings:


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Latest donations

Rachel on 21 May 2023
Karin on 25 Apr 2023
This is so amazing! Absolutely love it ❤️
Annika on 21 Apr 2023
Love it! Can’t wait!
Callahan on 21 Apr 2023
I can't wait to see the wings! I hope one of my feathers got picked.
John Baird
John Baird on 21 Apr 2023
Nga mihi nui

Who's involved?

Bald Angels Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Bald Angels Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 17 Apr 2023 and ended on 31 May 2023.