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Help fund purchase of Locomotive Dc4375

$7,350 of $27,000 goal
Given by 27 generous donors in around 10 months

Help us fund the purchase of heritage diesel locomotive DC4375. We have secured the loco for preservation and need help paying for it.


Help us pay for the purchase of heritage EMD locomotive DC4375.

4375 started life over fifty years ago as G12 DA1540 built by General Motors Canada.

In 1979 was rebuilt by Clyde Engineering in South Australia to an EMD G22AR classification emerging as DC 4375. Now with a 645 engine it saw many years hauling freight and passenger trains for NZ Rail. It ended its Kiwi Rail working life hauling Auckland suburban trains.

Steam Incorporated have been considering adding a DC to our heritage fleet of EMD locomotives for several years. Eventually we were able to purchase DC 4375 from KiwiRail. The loco was delivered to our Paekakariki site on 1st April 2021. Now that we have saved the locomotive from being scrapped we are now desperately seeking additional donations to help fund the purchase payment.

About us

We are an incorporated society based at Paekakariki on the Kapiti Coast. Formed nearly fifty years ago, we are devoted to the restoration of steam and diesel locomotives plus heritage carriages that we regularly operate on the main line.

Use of funds

To help fund the purchase price of the loco.

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Latest update

DC progress  13 November 2021

The loco is being stripped down ready to start work on the bodywork

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Latest donations

Paul on 11 Feb 2022
Paul on 04 Feb 2022
Paul on 28 Jan 2022
Paul on 21 Jan 2022
Paul on 14 Jan 2022

Who's involved?

Steam Incorporated's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Steam Incorporated (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 Apr 2021 and ended on 12 Feb 2022.