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From Stray to Survivor: help Peaches continue her medical journey!

$3,265 donated
Given by 17 generous donors in around 5 months

Peaches fought to survive - now she needs your help to continue to thrive! Help a sick, stray, foster dog continue her medical journey.

Christchurch, Canterbury

Peaches is a brave little ex-pound stray who has made so much progress in our care.

Once critically-ill and without vital medical care, Peaches owes her life to you - her generous supporters!

However, Peaches' path to recovery has brought significant financial challenges for our small rescue. We now face some daunting expenses for the next step in her medical journey. While continuing to fund her ongoing monthly medication, bloods check and vet consults to ensure she keeps moving forward on her path to recovery.

What does Peaches need?

These page proceeds will help fund the CT scan and spinal tap needed as soon as we can raise enough for it!

Peaches also needs financial support for her: ongoing bloods, vet consults, daily medications and her specifically imported infusion drugs from the USA.


Part of her fund is used for the daily ongoing medications she needs at the moment as this cost is significant to our small rescue.

Peaches may have reached remission! If proven by the tests, it will enable us to reduce (or even eliminate) some of her meds, as these dosages aren’t sustainable long term without risking some organ damage. But equally, we can't risk this progress to date, by simply taking her off them!

The CT and Spinal tap tests provide valuable information. The outcome of these tests will significantly influence her treatment plan. We can also start to plan for her long-term future and even possible adoption!


About us

New Zealand Chihuahua Rescue ("NZCR") is a registered Charitable Trust (CC55119) founded in 2017 after a need for a rescue dedicated specifically to the re-homing of Chihuahuas (and Chihuahua crosses) was identified.

Use of funds

Ongoing daily meds costs and importing her infusion drugs, a CT Scan, spinal tap test, hospitalization/vet and nurse fees, imaging reports, after hours fees, blood-work, anything Peaches needs to continue on her medical journey to a happy, healthy life!

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Latest update

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05/12/2024 update   5 December 2024

Thank you to everyone who has donated to Peaches medical fund overnight. We are so grateful for all of the support - especially with the first couple eye watering bills rolling in for this recent crisis (attached for transparency!)

Peaches has done well overnight, slept soundly and even began having some small meals of roast chicken. This is good progress wise as it means we can get more antibiotics into her orally. She’s still very sleepy and quite cuddly.

Tonight she will be having her next vet appointment for some repeat bloods. This will help us understand how she’s fairing and whether she’s regenerating her white blood cells. So please keep your fingers crossed for her!

Thank you to everyone sharing her post and sending their love to her. We know it is a difficult time of year with Christmas coming up and appreciate all of the financial support. It really does ease some of the stress of the situation.

We’ll continue to share updates on our little pal as we have them. 💕

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Latest donations

Ann on 08 Dec 2024
Sabrina on 08 Dec 2024
Michelle on 07 Dec 2024
Keep fighting darling Peaches 🍑 xx sending healing vibes 💖
Janette on 07 Dec 2024
Sending love and keep fighting little Peaches 💓
Danielle on 06 Dec 2024

Who's involved?

New Zealand Chihuahua Rescue Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, New Zealand Chihuahua Rescue Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Sep 2024 and ends on 20 Feb 2025.