Squeak the pound pup needs surgery

$1,349 donated
Given by 49 generous donors in 10 weeks

Squeak is a middle aged Maltese who ended up in the shelter system. A bung patella, bad teeth, and skin allergies left little hope...


for a public adoption, so her keeper sent us a plea for help.

Heya. We have a middle aged female Maltese here who needs some vet work. Patella surgery, dental, possibly allergies (but could be poor diet/neglect related). Shes a nice little thing. We've had her groomed since the nice grooming lady offered to do a freebie. She needs xrays to be sure what's going on in her back end as seems to have pain in her hips too...but she wiggled too much for her to tell much from feel.

HURRAH's involvement (page creator)

We're involved because the shelter contacted us for assistance.

About us

HURRAH is an independent; Auckland based dog rescue charity run solely by volunteers.

Use of funds

Hi Chrissy

We would recommend doing a dental at a separate time to the orthopaedic surgery and it is beneficial to sort the teeth first

Pre-anaesthetic bloods $85.50

Dental $350-450

One patella $1400

Two patellas done at the same time $2200- It's better for healing to do them in two separate surgeries but will cost more (and means potentially having 3 anaesthetics)

Please let me know if you have any further questions


Millwater Vet Hospital

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Update on Squeak  10 February 2017

Just a little update for everyone who has donated, or who is following Squeak's story :)

On January 29, Squeak had a pre surgery assessment.

Invoice No. 165741

1 Examination (includes discount of 25.21) 39.80

1 Maxidex Eye Ointment 3.5g 29.30

14 Stomorgyl 2 23.90

Total for Invoice 93.00

On January 31, Squeak had her dental surgery

Invoice No. 165796

1 Squeak Dental, Xrays 31/01/17 0.00

.9 Lab Blood Profile - Prep Prof 135.00

.9 Dentistry Sml Dog S+P Plus Major Extractions 387.00

.9 Radiograph 1st Plate 198.00

1 Radiograph 2nd Plate 0.00

.4 Betamox La Injection Per Ml (Includes discount of 2.46) 9.85

.16 Loxicom 0.5% Injection 1ml (Includes discount of 2.99) 11.95

.1 Loxicom 10ml (Includes discount of 3.06) 12.25

Total for Invoice 754.05

Squeak has recovered well and is awaiting her subsequent spay and patella surgery.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Feb 2017
Bonnie on 10 Feb 2017
All the best Squeak x
Margaret Cammell
Margaret Cammell on 10 Feb 2017
hi my name has been given to you as a possible adoptee of Squeak, if she still needs one - cheers
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Feb 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Feb 2017
You're beautiful, Squeak xx

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, HURRAH (Charity)
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This campaign started on 19 Jan 2017 and ended on 31 Mar 2017.