Humane Rescue, Rehabilitation and Rehoming Charitable Trust (HURRAH) - Uniting pets with people for a lifetime of happiness. CC49438


HURRAH is an independent; Auckland based dog rescue charity run solely by volunteers. Our objectives are to rescue dogs with a proven temperament from euthanasia at council and privately operated pounds, to prevent unwanted pregnancies through desexing incentives, and to educate owners on the importance of removing their pets from a life on the chain.

Desexy Revolution is a community project from the Humane Rescue, Rehabilitation and Rehoming Trust (HURRAH). Its main aim is straightforward; To end pet overpopulation by offering desexing services to low income families at a substantially reduced rate. The project also promotes an educational programme on the importance and benefits of desexing, and about an owner’s obligations (health and well-being) to their pets.

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HURRAH is an independent; Auckland based dog rescue charity run solely by volunteers.

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