We support people with coeliac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and those who must follow a gluten free diet.
It’s estimated that one in 50 Kiwis have coeliac disease, but a significant number of these cases remain undiagnosed, that means a large proportion of the 100,000 New Zealanders estimated to be living with coeliac disease aren’t even aware they have it.
Coeliac disease is a permanent intestinal reaction to dietary gluten - a protein found in wheat, barley and rye and avenin in oats. This reaction causes damage to the small intestine and can lead to a range of symptoms including abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea, and fatigue. If left untreated, coeliac disease can lead to serious health issues.
Coeliac NZ general manager Wendy Bremner says once coeliac disease is diagnosed, following a strict gluten free diet will improve the majority of associated problems related to malabsorption caused by the disease. Ongoing issues like alopecia, dental defects, mouth ulcers and infertility can be overcome because as the gut heals, the absorption of nutrients increases. Accessing dietary support and information to make the necessary lifestyle changes to prevent further harm, is important.
Coeliac NZ offers a variety of resources and tools to support people with coeliac disease and their whānau, including a range of videos and webinars on YouTube and a regularly published coeliac link magazine as well as our Wellness Journal with day-to-day coping tips and strategies. The organisation also runs kids’ clubs in some regions around Aotearoa.
Having the right support structures around you plays an important role enabling you to recognise life’s hurdles and gain confidence in your own ability to deal with them. For someone with coeliac disease, getting a correct diagnosis can be life changing. .
Increasing awareness of CD is instrumental in more diagnoses being made and supporting people with coeliac disease to live their best lives.
Thank you for your contribution it really makes a difference!!
Coeliac New Zealand Incorporated is a registered charity listed with the New Zealand Charities Commission.
OUR VISION: People with coeliac disease live healthy lives every day
Hope you are JOINING US at our conference in Auckland on 18th November 28 August 2023
We are very excited to advise that our conference this year will be an opportunity for everyone to gather together face-to-face in one place and you won’t want to miss it or the delicious gluten-free lunch and the goodie bag of products to take home with you after!
We have an early bird offer available for the conference and we encourage you to take advantage of it asap. There will be a Medical Plenary Session to begin at 9am followed by the general admittance full day conference starting at 10am.
Secure your place at the Coeliac NZ Conference today! All the details including the link to purchase your tickets here (booking fees will apply)
The 2023 Coeliac NZ Conference will be held at the Due Drop Event Centre in Manukau Auckland on Saturday the 18th of November. Our theme– Living Coeliac Safe – challenges and successes will be well supported by our great range of expert speakers bringing their wealth of knowledge and experience. A range of topics will be covered in an informative full day of presentations ranging from diagnosis, and the GF diet to psychology and wellbeing. Join us for a wonderful day of sharing knowledge and creating lasting memories.
Tickets to the Conference will receive free and exclusive entry into the Gluten Free Food Festival an hour before the general conference starts from 9.00 am until 10 am and then again during the lunch break.