Nicola Swan's profile image

Nicola Swan

Individual, Wellington

Cause pages

Supporting James' Rare Journey
James is a 4yr old boy with an extremely rare neuromuscular condition. He is loosing his motor function.
Support termilly ill Samuel make memories
Samuel has extreme Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy, a fatal disease. Help Sam make memories now.
No treatment or cure for 5yr old James. Help us with his bucket list AND now the training of service dog Charlie!!
James' is 4, his life turned upside down in July 2016. James has a rare neuromuscular disorder that is robbing him of his body functions.
Supporting James & his family
Funds raised are for the ongoing support for 5yr old James & his family on this devistating journey.
James’ legacy: Help me so I can help you
Help me help others on my journey to becoming a qualified social worker.
Help Oliver Dance in LA
Let’s get male dancer - Oliver to LA for two weeks of dance workshops & dancing at Disney!