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Help WBRT improve overall cleanliness and facilities

$552 of $1,600 goal
Given by 9 generous donors in around 3 months

Raising money for 2 new waterblasters in order to provide our ducks with better daily cleanliness in their aviaries and houses.


It may not come as a huge surprise that Ducks are good at creating mess! (We still love them anyway!) We take in approx. 600 orphaned, injured and sick birds annually. We use multiple aviaries around our large property to house the many captive birds we are looking after. Part of the daily husbandry and care of these birds involves cleaning their housing/aviaries. As we cannot use chemicals in their aviaries to effectively 'sanitise' these areas, we rely on hosing to clean as much off the surfaces as possible, and on scrubbing brushes to clean bathing units etc. Even with this process, over time, a buildup of dirt and food develops, leaving the floors dirty and less hygienic than we would like and they will eventually smell.

We have previously used a water-blaster to remove this buildup, and currently require 2 new water-blasters to continue to provide an improved/appropriate level of cleanliness for the ducks overall. We are hoping to raise funds to purchase two new water-blasters for not only our Main Aviary but also for our Soft Release Aviary and the adjacent pens. We would like to provide each of these aviaries and the ducks living inside them the level of cleanliness that can only be achieved by using a water blasting unit.

Thanks for your support!

Courtenay and Craig and the WBRT Team

About us

We are a charity that takes in sick, injured and orphaned birds for care. we do not receive government or institutional funding and rely 100% on donations and volunteers to run our charity.

Use of funds

Directly to waterblaster purchase which will then be used solely for the purposes of keeping our aviaries at a high standard of cleanliness.

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Latest update

We have one!  19 February 2018

Thank you all for your generous donations.

With your help, we have been able to purchase a waterblaster that now can be used solely for the birds and their aviaries. While we ideally wanted two, we are beyond greatful for being able to purchase one and will now focus on other aspects of the rehab to fundraise toward. THANK YOU!

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Dec 2017
Kathryn C
Kathryn C on 11 Dec 2017
Gia Cincone
Gia Cincone on 10 Dec 2017
Kevin shipp
Kevin shipp on 10 Dec 2017
Jenny on 10 Dec 2017

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Wellington Bird Rehabilitation Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Dec 2017 and ended on 4 Mar 2018.