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Meri Kirihimete Kererū! Please help us finish our Kererū Flight Aviary!

$5,433 of $10,000 goal
Given by 73 generous donors in 9 weeks

A wonderful opportunity to help build a new aviary for injured Kererū.

Johnsonville, Wellington

WBRT is building a special flight aviary so that injured Kererū have somewhere to recover and regain their strength to fly.

Located in Ohariu, Johnsonville, WBRT was established by Founding Trustee Craig Shepherd more than 20 years ago. It now treats over 1,000 injured and orphaned native and non-native birds a year, with the help of volunteers, donors and partners.

Kererū are big birds and much-loved by New Zealanders. They are seen in increasing numbers in suburban areas, but unfortunately are often injured by cars, window strike, power lines, and by predators such as rats and stoats. WBRT cared for over 80 Kererū in 2020.

Kererū is the one native bird left that is big enough to eat and spread seeds of larger native trees. It is a natural regenerator of native bush.

Celebrate Christmas through supporting these wonderful birds, and also encouraging native bush regeneration.

About us

We are a charity that takes in sick, injured and orphaned birds for care. we do not receive government or institutional funding and rely 100% on donations and volunteers to run our charity.

Use of funds

The project is well under way. We've already covered costs for the concrete foundation, and have received significant private donations for the mesh walls. We just need the last push so that we can complete the build early in 2022!

Latest donations

Oshada & Hirusha Tantirigama
Oshada & Hirusha Tantirigama on 12 Jan 2022
Thanks for your service. Wish all birds good health
shane on 04 Jan 2022
Moorea on 04 Jan 2022
Thank you for all the good work you do for our feathered friends!
Wellington Bird Rehabilitation Trust

Hi Moorea, thanks so much for your support!!! Your donation has given me a huge boost today. We can't do what we do without everyone pitching in one way or another and the lovely things that people do every day to help us look after our feathered friends never ceases to amaze me. Thanks so much for your generous donation :-) Very kind regards Craig

Wellington Bird Rehabilitation Trust
Amy on 22 Dec 2021
Merry Christmas to Emma and Hamish
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Dec 2021

Who's involved?

Wellington Bird Rehabilitation Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Wellington Bird Rehabilitation Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 8 Nov 2021 and ended on 15 Jan 2022.