Kawhia Moana Aotea Whenua Charitable Trust

Kawhia Moana Aotea Whenua Charitable Trust

We need your help to better utilise the natural environments of the Kawhia and Aotea harbours for the positive development of our youth...


Spearheaded by a small group of dedicated locals and experienced outdoors people, over the last 4 years we have successfully undertaken over 500 (personally funded) pony treks, hikes, kayaking expeditions, plus dozens of overnight camping adventures for local kids & youth of the region.

The positive changes seen in these kids, and valuable experience gained, has inspired us to offer this camping adventure therapy to even those from urban and distant regions, and especially to those that may need grounding and earthing the most; in particular kids at risk...

To improve these adventurous program's we urgently need to upgrade the existing basic infrastructure at our waterfront camping bases and acquire more appropriate equipment to access these remote parts of the harbours.

Resources needed:

A new eco toilet...

Newer outboard boat motor...

Camping gear eg: sleeping bags, tents, solar lighting, wet weather clothing, etc...

Water tank...


And most importantly, a proper van to get the kids to all the top hiking trails, and the many sporting events we compete in...

More about us

The purpose of our trust is to educate and train kids and rangatahi (youth), and in particular, ‘at risk’ rangatahi, in job skills, work ethics, self-esteem and self-confidence, by using the natural environment and culture, to develop respect, appreciation and pride for their hapori (community) and our natural environment, while using outdoor activities as metaphors to explore and improve attitudes, and live out their God-given potential through the challenge of adventure.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kawhia Moana Aotea Whenua Charitable Trust (Charity)
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