Y whānau wellbeing fund

$1,700 donated
Given by 14 generous donors in one year

Let’s show a little care and support for our YMCA North Whānau who are experiencing hardship


Lockdown can be tough and it affects us all in different ways. Some of our YMCA North whānau are hurting. The impact of this latest Lockdown is no doubt affecting our team’s emotional, physical and financial wellbeing. We know that many of you want to help out those who are having a tough time. With that in mind, we have started a wellbeing fund to support our team members who are experiencing hardship. With absolutely no obligation or expectation to give, we have set up this page for YMCA North staff to contribute towards, supporting those members of our YMCA Family that need it the most. In our ultimate time of need, caring for each other is the greatest contribution we can make to looking after our own.

Funds raised will be distributed in the form of grocery vouchers, putting food on the tables of those who are finding this challenging time especially difficult.

YMCA family members who are struggling due to lockdown can request support from the wellbeing fund by completing the application form found on our Covid-19 wellbeing Page https://www.ymcaauckland.org.nz/wellbeing

The form will go directly to HR and all the details will be kept in strict confidence according to YMCA Privacy Policy.

If you are able to contribute, we are truly humbled by your support.

About us

At YMCA North we build strong kids, strong families and strong communities. We are here for our local neighbourhoods and deliver services which empower youth, improve health, and strengthen community.

Use of funds

Funds raised will be distributed to staff experiencing hardship in the form of grocery vouchers, putting food on the tables of those who are finding this challenging time especially difficult.

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Latest donations

Gilly on 03 Oct 2021
Mike on 29 Sep 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Sep 2021
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Kia kaha.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Sep 2021
Kia Kaha
Carron on 27 Sep 2021

Who's involved?

YMCA North's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, YMCA North (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 23 Sep 2021 and ended on 23 Sep 2022.