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"50 for 50" In Memory of Rachel Lee

$4,190 of $1,000 goal
Given by 72 generous donors in 5 weeks

To honour Rachel Lee's 50th birthday, Deb Ward will walk 50km and raise money for Unicorn Foundation New Zealand.


On 1 June my truly fabulous friend Rachel Lee would have celebrated her 50th birthday but neuroendocrine cancer (NETs for short) cut her wonderful life too short. Rach passed away from NETs just over five years ago.

To honour Rach on such a special occasion, I will walk 50km and raise money for Unicorn Foundation New Zealand.

I’ll walk from the last place I saw Rach, at her house in Takapuna on the day she passed away, to the first place we met as kids at Glen Eden Intermediate School. Setting out at 7am to what I hope will be a beautiful winter sunrise, I’ll walk through the North Shore, across the Upper Harbour Highway and into West Auckland, hoping to finish by sunset.

The Unicorn Foundation team were wonderful to Rach while she was ill and they do so much to support patients while also advocating for better treatments and research into NETs.

Thanks for supporting the Unicorn Foundation team by sponsoring me to walk in Rach’s memory.

Deb Ward

About us

Neuroendocrine Cancer NZ (formerly Unicorn Foundation NZ) is a registered charity provides support and information to patients, families and medical professionals involved in the treatment for Neuroendocrine Tumours (NET Cancer).

Use of funds

Funds raised will contribute towards supporting clinical research, lobbying for funding and further treatment options to become available to NZ neuroendocrine patients, NET nurse services and building and supporting the NET cancer community.

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Latest donations

Paulette on 21 Jun 2021
What a beautiful gift Deb and a wonderful friend.
Jody, Dave, Zoe & Jayden. xx
Jody, Dave, Zoe & Jayden. xx on 13 Jun 2021
A top effort their Deb. Way to go!
Sonia on 07 Jun 2021
Nice one Deb!:) xx
melody on 03 Jun 2021
love you Rach, and love you Debs - for doing this for her xx
Emma on 02 Jun 2021
Amazing Debs and an awesome way to remember Rach 😍

Who's involved?

Unicorn Foundation NZ's avatar
Created by Neuroendocrine Cancer New Zealand, paying to a verified bank account of Unicorn Foundation NZ (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 23 May 2021 and ended on 30 Jun 2021.