$10,899 donated
Given by 196 generous donors in 2 years

Please help us to save Firebird and Diesel, and send them to a cow sanctuary for the rest of their lives.


THIS IS A HARD ONE TO WRITE. I’ve been in tears all morning. A supporter wrote to say her ex told her today that the 2 friendly steers they raised together 3 years ago are going to the works for slaughter tomorrow. He never wanted them to be killed … but they’re his “only asset”, and he desperately needs money. She doesn’t have funds to buy her ‘babies’, and wondered if I would. Normally we rescue, we don’t buy. But these 2 boys have hit my heart particularly hard. It’s even worse when cows who’ve been beloved ‘pets’ are sent to the works by the human they trusted. It’s an extra layer of betrayal that stabs my soul. I know I can’t save them all. I know I have to say NO sometimes. But today’s not that day. We have an opening for 2 steers at Cow Care. I desperately want Firebird & Diesel to have those spots, to live their lives out in safety. So I’m fundraising, thinking outside the box, getting financially creative. The man doesn’t want them killed, so has given me a discount and has cancelled the kill truck while I figure it out. If you can donate here, thank you!!! If you want to sponsor their grazing at Cow Care ($15/week full sponsor, or $7.50/week half sponsor), and you can visit them… please email me on Thank you!!

About us

We provide a refuge for abandoned and abused animals, and either provide a permanent home or rehome. We raise orphaned native birds & rehabilitate injured native birds: We rescue battery hens, nurse them back to health and find lifelong caring homes.

Use of funds

Funds will now be used to rescue other cows/calves in similar situations to Bingo, and rehome them to a place of safety for their full life

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EXCITING NEWS!!  28 November 2024

The need for a safe home for cows is massive, but there's just nowhere for them to go. When we heard that 21 previously rescued cows were at a sanctuary that is closing, and desperately needed a new home, we knew we needed to think big. So... we're setting up a whole new animal sanctuary for them!! Those 21 cows and steers will be our first permanent residents. Some of them are whole families, ie mothers who were able to keep and raise their babies. We couldn't bear it if they were separated now. If you'd like to contribute to saving and providing a home for these cows, please make your donation here, and say "For 2nd cow sanctuary" in your comment. As always, your donation is eligible to be tax claimable. Givealittle will provide you with a tax receipt. Easy peasy. We love the support that Givealittle provides in our work to save more animals, and we love you for helping with this amazing new project.

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Latest donations

Sarah on 06 Feb 2025
Happy to do $15 a month ...hope that helps a bit
The Animal Sanctuary

Always grateful, Sarah. A sponsor dropped out this week, so I'll put your donation toward that cow at Cow Care. Thanks!!

The Animal Sanctuary
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Jan 2025
The Animal Sanctuary

Thanks so much for your donation to help our cows at Cow Care. I appreciate your support!

The Animal Sanctuary
Sarah on 06 Jan 2025
Happy to do $15 a month ...hope that helps a bit
The Animal Sanctuary


The Animal Sanctuary
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Jan 2025
The Animal Sanctuary

We're grateful, as always, for your ongoing support!

The Animal Sanctuary
Sarah on 06 Nov 2024
Happy to do $15 a month ...hope that helps a bit
The Animal Sanctuary

Sarah, I see your monthly donation go in each month, and am grateful every time. Thank you for continuing to support the 40 cows that we have rescued, that are living a safe happy life at Cow Care. I so appreciate your continued support.

The Animal Sanctuary

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Animal Sanctuary (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 14 Nov 2022 and ends on 14 Nov 2026.