The Animal Sanctuary

The Animal Sanctuary

The Animal Sanctuary is a haven for animals and birds in need of safety, care and compassion. We focus on three main areas: native birds,


We raise orphaned native birds & rehabilitate injured native birds, with the goal of releasing them back into the wild; we provide a loving home for abandoned and abused animals, teaching them to trust again; we nurse battery hens back to health and find good permanent caring homes for them.

We have nursed and released hundreds of injured and orphaned native birds successfully. We have rescued a wide range of abused animals (providing or finding a permanent home for them), including donkeys, miniature horses, goats, pigs, hens, turkeys, turtles, parrots, peacocks, pet rats, etc etc!!

More about us

We provide a refuge for abandoned and abused animals, and either provide a permanent home or rehome. We raise orphaned native birds & rehabilitate injured native birds: We rescue battery hens, nurse them back to health and find lifelong caring homes.

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Latest update

The Other Side Of Neglect  9 March 2014

THE OTHER SIDE OF NEGLECT Many of the animals we rescue are starving and uncared for. Occasionally, however, we see the opposite: overfeeding and under-exercising that results in morbid obesity. We were totally shocked when we rescued two massive cows. The vet said they were the fattest cows he'd ever treated, and this caused serious health problems for them. I couldn't stop staring at their butts, which had grown huge bags of fat that almost buried their tails! Transporting them to their new home was a dangerous prospect. They were so obese and weak that when they couldn't stand for long in the float... and when they went down, they couldn't get up again. We honestly feared we were going to have to euthanise them. After a long and extremely stressful effort, the cows were finally extricated from the float. It was several days before they could stand for any length of time, they needed quite a bit of care. Thankfully this cow and her daughter are now up and around, getting exercise, and are on a diet to improve their health.

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Latest donations

Pen on 24 Jan 2025
Sarah on 19 Jan 2025
Love your work...small celebratory monthly gift in honour of the pigs safe return! Use as u wish.
Carl and jackie
Carl and jackie on 25 Dec 2024
Merry Xmas animals
Sarah on 19 Dec 2024
Love your work...small celebratory monthly gift in honour of the pigs safe return! Use as u wish.
Rod on 16 Dec 2024
Merry Xmas Megan Norling. Thank you for helping look after our friends.

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A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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