Whitehorse Teams Challenge - Team Sports Guys (Tom & Cam)

$855 of $250 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in 16 days

Support Tom and Cam as they strive to take home the Teams Challenge Trophy - all in the name of raising funds for local charities!


In words that could only have been written by Tom.....

New faces new worries. the Sports Guys are in it to whin it. With the legend Cam Davies running for the sports guys this year, this will not be a team to miss. Speed, power and organisation are only a few items in the reusable grocery bag that is the sports guys. with a catch phrase like "the world ait all sunshine and rainbows" from the origional battler himself, Rocky Balboa. You know the boys are here for a buffet style dinner

Tom and Cam are a strong team in this years challenge. Get in behind them as they do the 18km run, and 27km bike. Every dollar raised over $250 gives the team a 1 second advantage, so get donating and give them a head start!!!

About us

The Waimate Rotary Club runs the Whitehorse Challenge, with teams raising funds for local and regional charities, while testing their athletic skills!

Use of funds

All funds raised go towards these great local charities; St John Waimate, Waimate School of Music, Sport Waimate, Centrecare Counselling, Waimate Rotary Club, and the Whitehorse Mountain Bikers Club.

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Latest donations

Joh on 03 Mar 2020
Fatty on 28 Feb 2020
I love you
Jimo on 28 Feb 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Feb 2020
#2 Sister
#2 Sister on 27 Feb 2020
Go hard Uncle Cam and Tom.

Who's involved?

Waimate Rotary Club's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Waimate Rotary Club (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 19 Feb 2020 and ended on 6 Mar 2020.