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A helping hand for the animals - emergency feedraiser

$10,000 of $10,000 goal
Given by 85 generous donors in 4 weeks

Please help the Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary Ōtaki care for animals through the wave of Omicron infections. Just $10 buys a bale of hay

Otaki, Wellington

The Covid-19 crisis is affecting us all. The Black Sheep’s income from our fundraising op-shops has dropped alarmingly since the surge in Omicron infections, as many of our volunteers are ill or isolating. Fundraising events have been cancelled, while we find ourselves with even more mouths to feed. These include sweeties like Lentil, an older horse, and Rocky, an elderly steer. Please give us a helping hand to send this feedraiser viral!

This is an emergency situation. We urgently need to purchase feed and veterinary supplies to help us rescue animals like Dandelion, who was found last spring in a paddock alongside other lambs who were already dead. She was wet with birthing fluid, ice-cold and barely able to move. With the help of 24-hour feeds and care, she grew strong and healthy and now leaps playfully alongside her companions. At night she snuggles into a cosy house lined with straw.

$10,000 will fund essential veterinary supplies, grain, pellets, hay and other nutritious feeds. As a registered charity, all donations are tax deductible and go directly to our rescued animals, including cows, horses, pigs, goats and many more.

These are grueling times for both human and non-human animals. All contributions warm our hearts and our residents’ beds and bellies! We’re humbled by your generosity and we hope for your ongoing support (monetary and otherwise!), so that we can continue to help animals through the wave of Omicron infections.

Thank you, keep well and take care.

About us

The Black Sheep supports animal rights and animal protection, providing a safe haven for about 100 previously abused, injured and neglected animals (pigs, goats, sheep, roosters, cows, horses, ducks, geese, rabbits, turkeys and more) near Ōtaki Forks.

Use of funds

$10,000 will fund essential veterinary supplies, grain, hay and other nutritious feeds. Every dollar counts.

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Latest update

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Hay is arriving at the Black Sheep!  13 April 2022

Last week we reached our fundraiser goal and we would like to say another huge THANK YOU from all of the humans and animals of the Black Sheep!!!! In addition to reaching our target on Givealittle, we received some extra donations via bank transfer as well as some cash donations, meaning in total we exceeded our goal! We are absolutely blown away by the support. Covid has been tough on all of us, but we are now heading into winter knowing everything will be just fine. The money raised will be used to make large purchases of hay and straw, and will help us cover our weekly costs of goat pellets, grain, horse feed and more. Making sure our animals are happy, fed, and warm is our first priority, and we thank you for making that possible

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Moggers on 07 Apr 2022
Huzzah for reaching your goal!!
Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary

Wow, thank you for making it happen! You are so kind!

Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Apr 2022
Glad to see that you're nearly there!
Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary

Thank you for your generosity

Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary
Alexander on 06 Apr 2022
Thanks you for all you do to help the animals
Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary

Many thanks from the animals

Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary
Kate on 06 Apr 2022
Thanks for everything you do for the animals. Missing you all very much.
Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary

Thank you so much! The sanctuary misses you too!

Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary
Emily Rose
Emily Rose on 06 Apr 2022
Thank-you for the amazing work you are doing!
Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary

Many thanks from the animals!

Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 Mar 2022 and ended on 7 Apr 2022.