Trotter's life saving surgery

$2,580 of $2,000 goal
Given by 57 generous donors in 4 weeks

We love Trotter so much and we hope with your help, we can raise enough money towards his life saving surgery!


Meet Trotter!

Unfortunately our adorable kunekune pig Trotter has developed a tumour in his mouth which stops him eating, and we urgently need to remove this to support his quality of life and longevity. While the surgery comes with some risks, Trotter will die without it, so we want to give him the best chance to live out his days happily here with us.

The surgery is expensive and we are also struggling to pay for vet bills, food and bedding for all our other animals. We would like to ask for your help in raising money to help cover Trotter's surgery costs. Any donation will help and we are so grateful to anyone who has it in their heart to donate.

A little bit about Trotter! Trotter came to the sanctuary nearly six years ago with his best friend Tommy who recently passed away. Trotter is such a happy pig and loves scratches and belly rubs. He is always smiling no matter what! Trotter is often found either exploring his paddock or lying in the sun. He has an extremely gentle nature and loves all human attention.

Thanks in advance, everyone at the Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary.

About us

The Black Sheep supports animal rights and animal protection, providing a safe haven for about 100 previously abused, injured and neglected animals (pigs, goats, sheep, roosters, cows, horses, ducks, geese, rabbits, turkeys and more) near Ōtaki Forks.

Use of funds

The money raised will fund all vet bills. Including, vet consultations, X-ray's, biopsies of the tumour, sedation, medication and the full surgery price. If we exceed our target the money will contribute towards other vet bills, food, hay and bedding.

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Latest donations

NZ Education Link Ltd.
NZ Education Link Ltd. on 02 Oct 2018
Sal Carr
Sal Carr on 28 Sep 2018
Wishing you a speedy recovery! Sending love and belly rubs❤️
Andrea on 28 Sep 2018
All the best Trotter!!!
Jaal on 27 Sep 2018
Give him some belly rubs from me!! <3
Trotter Fans of Cannons Creek
Trotter Fans of Cannons Creek on 26 Sep 2018
Love your work. Be well, dear Trotter.

Who's involved?

Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 19 Sep 2018 and ended on 20 Oct 2018.