Help us fight the mud at the animal sanctuary!
We are experiencing an increasingly serious mud crisis at the sanctuary which is affecting our animals' quality of life. It is always problematic at this time of year, but it is currently the worst it has ever been. As extreme rainfall continues, the mud is getting worse for our pigs and goats.
Why is there a mud crisis?
Pigs are social, curious creatures that love to dig and we encourage our animals to exhibit this type of natural behaviour. They are also very heavy animals that compact the ground in their paddocks. During the winter months, digging behaviour combined with the lower compacted ground level results in a build up of water and mud which can't drain away. We have various sized pigs and the smaller ones are getting more isolated in their paddocks, as the increasingly deep mud pools leave much of their play area completely off limits.
We have tried to reduce the mud problem by rotating our feeding stations and moving water troughs to give the worst areas time to recover. We dug trenches to assist with the drainage, but the problem is now so urgent we need a large scale solution.
Our solution:
We are fundraising for the cost of hiring a digger and truck for 4 days to help us drain the mud and water and put gravel in the pig paddocks. This will stop the formation of increasingly deep pools of mud. The gravel and additional top dirt layer will raise the ground level to form higher permanently dry areas and create a firm base to help with drainage in the paddocks.
Our goat paddock is also in deep mud in many areas and making our goats unhappy. We only have limited paddock space in which to rotate them and let the ground recover. We have built raised runways to give our goats some relief from the mud around their feeding areas, but we hope to create an additional 'hilly area' in their paddock using the digger and the dirt we have on site.
We have all the gravel and dirt resources required for the job, but we urgently need you to help us raise funds for the digger and truck.
We have three pig paddocks that we need help with and one goat paddock that needs some mud rescuing.
The approximate costs are:
$300 to get the digger up to the sanctuary property
The diggers costs $145 a hour
The truck costs $120 a hour
The Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary is a safe and sustainable space to rehabilitate and re-home abused, injured and neglected animals.
Right now we have around 200 animals from different places and with different stories. Many of them would be dead by now if we hadn't taken them.
While we rehome animals when possible to loving forever homes, all the animals we rescue are able to stay with us if necessary for the rest of their natural lives.
Here is a video about the sanctuary:
The Black Sheep supports animal rights and animal protection, providing a safe haven for about 100 previously abused, injured and neglected animals (pigs, goats, sheep, roosters, cows, horses, ducks, geese, rabbits, turkeys and more) near Ōtaki Forks.
The Funds raised will be used to pay for the digger and truck to pile up gravel and dirt. That will help drain the mud and water as well as raise the ground level to form higher permanent dry areas and create a firm base to help with drainage in the paddocks.
Success! We are happy to announce we have reached our goal! 26 September 2017
With a very generous donation to our bank account we are really happy to say we have reached our $5,000 target - and we have booked the digger to get started.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has donated and spread the word - the animals will benefit massively for your support!
Make sure you sign up to our newsletter if you want updates on the progress of the work and to hear details of our next open day or working bee: email
On behalf of all the animals, thanks again, this will make a huge long term difference to their quality of life!