Buster needs all his teeth out!

$500 of $500 goal
Given by 11 generous donors in 13 days

Feline Stomatitis has again affected one of our rescues, sadly this is all too common. Smoochy Buster needs to have all his teeth out! D:


1-year-old Buster came to us from a huge cat colony of over 40 cats and kittens, which were all rehomed, or desexed and returned by Lonely Miaow. He is an absolute smoocher who loves nothing more than to give head butts and lie on your lap to get belly rubs and head scratches.

When he was rescued he had a large infected abscess on his face, and after this healed we thought he would finally be ready to find his forever home.

Sadly we learnt yesterday that Buster suffers from a chronic medical condition called Stomatitis. This means that his gums and teeth get painfully swollen and infected, and eventually fall out if he is not kept on medication permanently. The only known cure to stop him suffering life-long pain is to remove all his teeth.

The vet assures us that he will be able to live a normal life after surgery, and we think this lovely young cat deserves a chance. He is absolutely healthy otherwise.

We need to raise $500 dollars for the surgery (which is a heavily discounted price, thanks to the support of our vet) as we are currently not able to meet the expense within our already tight budget – can you help us?

Lonely Miaow's involvement (page creator)

Founded in 1995, The Lonely Miaow Association is an incorporated, non-profit organisation dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming of stray and abandoned cats and kittens in the greater Auckland area. The cats and kittens we rescue all receive a thorough health assessment and on-going care which is undertaken by one of our supporting vets. Our cats and kittens are cared for in volunteer foster homes and when ready, adopted out to their very own loving, forever home.

About us

Rescuing stray and abandoned cats and kittens around the greater Auckland area, caring for them in foster homes, and finding their forever homes.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Apr 2016
Wishing you the very best Buster!
Cassidy on 10 Apr 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Apr 2016
Andi on 06 Apr 2016
Go well little guy! Here's to a pain free happy life!
Melanie and Daniel
Melanie and Daniel on 04 Apr 2016
Gorgeous boy. Hope you are pain free soon.

Who's involved?

Lonely Miaow's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lonely Miaow (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 Apr 2016 and ended on 17 Apr 2016.